The 2022 Prize
- Dr. Simon Lukas Becker (1993) presented the thesis Spectral gaps for many-particle systems,
semiclassical analysis of graphene, and quantum dynamics defended in October 2021 at the University of Cambridge
- Dr. Eric P. Hanson (1993) presented the thesis Entropic continuity bounds & eventually entanglement-breaking channels defended in April 2020 at the University of Cambridge
- Mgr. Tomás Kadavý, PhD. (1991) presented the thesis Effective description of resonances at
low energy region defended in September 2022 at the Charles University in Prague
The verdict
At its closing session on November 7, 2022, the jury decided to award
the main prize to
for the thesis Spectral gaps for many-particle systems, semiclassical analysis of graphene, and quantum dynamics having found it outstanding in terms of scientific quality, both in the depth and breadth of the results presented.
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Last update: November 12, 2022