A list of session talks:
R. Adami (Roma): The anisotropic Aharonov-Bohm effect
T. Alferova (Gomel): Relativistic two-particle one-dimensional scattering problem for superposition of delta potentials
A. Boutet de Monvel (Paris 7): On the spectral properties of discrete Schroedinger operators
F. Brambila Paz (Mexico City): Lax-Phillips scattering theory for short and long range perturbations
J. Brasche (Bonn): Inverse spectral theory for self-adjoint extensions
J.L. Carinena (Zaragoza): The Riccati equation and exactly solvable Hamiltonians
G. Chadzitaskos (Prague): Coherent states over C^M
T. Cheon (Kochi): Exotic wavefunction aholonomy in one-dimensional quantum mechanics of generalized pointlike potentials
M. Combescure (Orsay): A rigorous proof of Gutzwiller's trace formula
D. Damanik (Frankfurt a.M.): Singular continuous spectrum for substitution Hamiltonians
M. Damnjanovic (Beograd): Generalized Heisenberg-Dirac Hamiltonian
S. De Bievre (Lille): On the semi-classical analysis of quantized "chaotic" maps on the torus
M. Demuth (Clausthal): Generalized Pearson estimate for wave operators
O. Deryuzkova (Gomel): Solving of the main equation of Poincare invariant quantum mechanics for model potential
J. Dittrich (Prague): Massive scalar field in in an oscillating bounded region
E. Elizalde (Barcelona): The determinant anomaly in low-dimensional quantum systems
L. Erdos (Courant): Linear Boltzmann equation as a kinetic limit of random Schroedinger equation
P. Exner (Prague): Two results about vortices: "smoke loops" in transport and anomalous Pauli trapping
Y. Fyodorov (Essen): S-matrix statistics in quantum chaotic scattering: poles, phaseshifts and time delays
F. Germinet (Paris 7): Dynamical localization and spectral properties. Application to random and quasi-periodic Schroedinger operators
V. Geyler (Saransk): Band structure of the spectrum in some models with a magnetic field
S. Gnutzmann (Essen): Quantum chaos and SU(3) dynamics
G. Goldin (Rutgers): Quantum kinematics of vortex filaments
B. Grebert (Nantes): KAM theorem for nonlinear Schroedinger operator
M. Griesemer (Regensburg): Instability for relativistic matter with self-generated magnetic fields
M. Gruber (Berlin): Spectral nature of the Schroedinger operator with periodic magnetic field (rational flux)
Ch.-A. Guerin (Marseille): Time-dependent scattering on fractal measures
J.-C. Guillot (Paris 13): Inverse scattering at fixed energy for layered media
Z. Haba (Wroclaw): The classical limit of quantum dissipative systems
A. Hassell (Canberra): Scattering calculus and the N-body problem
D. Herrmann (Nijmegen): On spectral properties of Harper-like models
H. Hirata (Tokyo): An example of a second-kind phase transition for some discrete Schroedinger operators with magnetic potential
P. Hislop (Lexington): Correlated Wegner inequalities and localization for long-range and correlated potentials
M. Horvath (Budapest): Convergence and localization properties of the spectral expansion of Schroedinger and Dirac operators
L.P. Horwitz (Tel Aviv): Representation of quantum mechanical resonances in the framework of Lax-Phillips scattering theory
Th. Hupfer (Erlangen): On upper bounds on the density of states for continuum Schroedinger operators with Gaussian random potentials and magnetic fields
V. Inozemtsev (Dubna): Quantum Heisenberg chain with elliptic exchange
V. Ivrii (Toronto): Asymptotics of the ground state energy and ionization energy for atoms and molecules in strong magnetic field
A. Kargol (Famagusta): A semiclassical method for Coulomb scattering
W. Karwowski (Wroclaw): Schroedinger operators perturbed by operators related to null sets
M. Kiessling (Rutgers): On eigenvalue density of random matrices
W. Kirsch (Bochum): On the spectral theory of random Schroedinger operators
F. Kleespies (Frankfurt a.M.): Localization and Lifshitz tails for random quantum waveguides
F. Klopp (Paris 13): Large energy asymptotics for the integrated density of states of unbounded random Jacobi matrix
B. Konya (Debrecen): Charged particle in combined Coulomb plus homogeneous magnetic field
E. Korotyaev (St. Petersburg): Inverse problem for the Hill operator and estimates
V. Koshmanenko (Kiev): Construction and spectral properties of singularly perturbed operators
I. Krasovsky (Dresden): Explicit solution to some second-order differential and q-difference eigenvalue equations related to sl_2 and U_q(sl_2)
J. Krause (Santiago do Chile): Solvable models in non-Abelian quantum kinematics and dynamics
D. Krejcirik (Prague): Birman-Schwinger analysis for bound states in a pair of parallel quantum waveguides with a semitransparent boundary
P. Kuchment (Wichita): On spectral problems of photonic crystals theory
U. Kuhl (Marburg): A microwave realization of the Hofstadter butterfly
P. Kurasov (Stockholm): Few-body Krein's formula
P. Leach (Durban): A classicist's opinion on quantum chaos
G. Levai (Debrecen): Exactly solvable quantum mechanical potential problem
P. Levay (Budapest): Adiabatic curvature, chaos, and deformations of Riemann surfaces
B. Meller (Satiago de Chile): Resonances in a box
V. Mikhailets (Bialystok): Schroedinger operators with local point interactions in dimension one
I. Milosevic (Beograd): Symmetry classification of carbon nanotubes
A. Moroz (Amsterdam): "Gapology" for photonic crystals
A. Motovilov (Dubna): Operator interpretation of resonances arising in spectral problem for 2x2 matrix Hamiltonians
P. Mueller (Goettingen): Aspects of a localization proof for continuum Schroedinger operators with Gaussian random potentials
O. Mustafa (Famagusta): The shifted-l expansion technique to get eigenvalues of Schroedinger, Dirac, and Klein-Gordon wave equation
H. Neidhardt (Potsdam): Operator-norm convergence for the Trotter-Kato product formula
M. Novitskii (Kharkov): Nonexponential estimates of the angle between stable and unstable separatrices for Taylor-Chirikov-Green mapping
P. O'Hara (Chicago): Bell's inequality and the Pauli exclusion principle
A. Onipko (Kiev): Quantum conductance of molecular wires: Green function description of real systems
Z. Papp (Debrecen): The three-body Coulomb problem in three-potential formalism
S. Pascazio (Bari): Temporal evolutions in quantum mechanics and quantum Zeno effect
V. Pivovarchik (Odessa): Some examples of inverse Sturm-Liouville problem with three spectra
I. Popov (St. Petesburg): Solvable models for serially connected Aharonov-Bohm rings and localization effects
G. Raikov (Sofia): Asymptotic properties of the "magnetic" density of states
L. Remezo (Liege): Symmetries of a completely integrable Hamiltonian system
Ch. Remling (Osnabrueck): Embedded singular spectrum of 1D Schroedinger operators
W. Renger (Clausthal): Limiting absorption principle for singularly perturbed operators
D. Robert (Nantes): Spectral shift function for the Dirac operator
G. Rozenblioum (Goteborg): Eigenvalue estimates for Schroedinger-like operators with magnetic field
M.B. Ruskai (Lowell): One-dimensional models for many-electron atoms in strong magnetic fields
L. Sadun (Austin): Generic behavior of topological quantum numbers
O. Safronov (Stockholm): The discrete spectrum in the gaps of the continuous one for sign indefinite perturbations with a large coupling constant
W. Scherer (Clausthal): KAM theory for quantum systems
Ch. Schulte (Clausthal): Quantum-mechanical symmetries and self-adjoint extensions on the pointed plane
P. Seba (Slemeno): Resonance trapping in a weakly open quantum dot
I. Shereshevsky (Nizhni Novgorod): Vortices in Ginzburg-Landau equation: numerical results and analytical problems
K. Shundyak (Odessa): Conductance of interacting region attached to noninteracting leads
G. Sobczyk (Puebla, Mexico): Mathematics of quantum computing
S.B. Sontz (Mexico City): A reverse log-Sobolev inequality in the Segal-Bargmann space
W. Spitzer (Princeton): Hydrodynamics of quasi-free quantum systems
G. Stolz (Birmingham, Al.): Multiparameter spectral averaging and localization for the random displacement model
P. Stovicek (Prague): Perturbation of an eigenvalue from a dense point spectrum: a general Floquet Hamiltonian
A. Streltsov (Vladivostok): Solving the Schroedinger equation with nonsingular potential using Hamiltonian degrees
T. Suslina (St. Petersburg): Two-dimensional periodic Pauli operator. Effective masses at the lower edge of the spectrum
A. Suzko (Dubna): Bargmann-Darboux transformations for nonstationary Schroedinger equations
S. Tcheremchantsev (Orleans): Transport properties of Markovian Anderson model
A. Teta (Rome): Schroedinger equation with concentrated nonlinearities
A. Tip (Amsterdam): Quantization of conservative and lossy dielectrics
N. Topor (Schenectady): Perturbation theory for boundary S-matrix in 2D quantum field theory
O. Vakhnenko (Kiev): Bend-imitating approach in quantum wire-like nanostructures
C. Villegas-Blas (Cuernavaca Morelos): The Segal-Barmann transform and canonical transformations
J. Voigt (Dresden): The non-autonomous Kato class
K. Watanabe (Tokyo): Some applications of the H_{-2}-construction
T. Weidl (Stockholm): Another look at Cwikel's inequality
D. Yafaev (Rennes): The discrete spectrum in the singular Friedrichs model with oscillating kernel
J. Yanez (Santiago de Chile): Variational principle for the chemical potential in the Thomas-Fermi theory
K. Yoshitomi (Fukuoka): Band-gap of the spectrum in periodically curved quantum waveguides
V. Zagrebnov (Marseille): Error estimates for the Trotter product formula
N. Zettili (Dhahran): Construction of an exactly solvable fermion model
G.M. Zhislin (Nizhni Novgorod): The present state of the study of the discrete spectrum of many-particle Hamiltonians with homogeneous magnetic field for particles with finite masses
E. Zhizhina (Moscow): A spectral analysis of stochastic disordered Ising model
M. Znojil (Prague): Asymptotically decreasing potentials with discrete spectra
Other participants who present no talk or do so through a co-author:
- F. Bentosela (Marseille)
- S. Boecker (Bochum)
- P. Facchi (Bari)
- G.M. Graf (ETH Zurich)
- R. Guardiola (Valencia)
- H. Knoerrer (ETH Zurich)
- J. Lang (Prague)
- D. Lenz (Frankfurt a.M.)
- H. Leschke (Erlangen)
- B. Meller (Santiago de Chile)
- H. Najar (Paris 13)
- F. Nakano (Sendai)
- S. Perez-Oyarzun (Santiago de Chile)
- Ch. Riebling (Bochum)
- R. Sims (Birmingham, Al.)
- I. Veselic (Bochum)
- S. Warzel (Erlangen)
- J.L. Zuleta (Geneve)
Updated: June 18, 1998