Doppler Institute Seminars
In fact, the Doppler Institute inherited a successful
mathematical-physics seminar which worked from the beginning
of the eighties. Its traditional time is Tuesday afternoon,
although ad hoc meetings are not rare as the the
list given below wittnesses. From January 2001, there is also
a parallel "small" seminar called
Quantum Circle, for students and PhD students in the first
- December 6
F. Slanina (IP AS): Brownian motors
- November 29
M. Haysak (Uzhorod): Hyperspherical approach in the description
of electron correlation in negative and positive ions of exciton
- November 15
V. Rittenberg (Bonn): Stochastic models with conformal invariance
- November 8
A. Sergyeyev (Opava): Maximal superintegrability of Benenti systems
- November 1
M. Krbalek (CTU): Statistical variances of transport data and number variance of a Dyson gas
- October 25
Y. Miyamoto (Chofu): Generation and detection of optical beams with orbital angular momentum
- October 18
L. Hlavaty: Poisson-Lie duality in action (an explicit determination of the sigma
model in a curved spacetime)
- October 11
J. Lukierski (Wroclaw): Noncommutative space-time and quantum relativistic symmetries
- October 3-5
A. Vancura (Kaiserslautern): Einsten's gravitation theory ideas - a small continuation
- September 27
P. Lenhard (CTU): Deformations and contractions of Lie algebras
- September 20
J. Hybl (CTU): Use of Baker-Campbell formulae for coordinate transformations in Drinfeld doubles
- September 20
M. Gajdos (CTU): Generalized perturbation series in quantum chromodynamics
- September 13
T. Kalvoda (CTU): A geometric interpretation of bound and free states
- September 13
M. Tusek (CTU): Singular perturbation of the free Hamiltonian in two dimensions
- September 13
H. Toncrova (CTU): Simulation of a DNA damaging
- September 6
L. Snobl (CTU): Surfaces associated with Grassmannian sigma models on Minkowski space
- May 31
P. Soldan (CTU): Bose-Einstein condensation: from atoms to molecules
- May 24
M. Krbalek (CTU): Statistical distributions of traffic data and number variance of a Dyson gas
- May 17
P. Winternitz (CRM Montreal): Symmetries of linear and non-linear difference systems
- May 10
S. Stenholm (KTH Stockholm): Entropy and time reversal in dynamical systems
- May 3
V. Jakubsky (CTU): PT-invariant point interactions
- April 26
M. Znojil: Hilbert spaces with unusual scalar products
- April 19
H. Lavicka (CTU): Imitation structure in Minority Game on networks
- March 29
T. Langerova (CTU): Transfer functions for Bell inequalities
- March 22
A.P. Isaev (JINR): Multiloop Feynman integrals and conformal quantum mechanics
- February 2
Ray J. Rivers (Imperial College London): From point-particle Hamiltonians to field theories to
non-linear Schrodinger equations II, III
- February 1
Ray J. Rivers (Imperial College London): From point-particle Hamiltonians to field theories to
non-linear Schrodinger equations I
- February 1
A. Tereskiewicz (Bialystok): Integrable Hamiltonians describing parametric conversion
- December 21
M. Turek (CTU): Lie-Poisson T-duality
- December 21
V. Kostak (CTU): Universal processes in quantum information
- December 14
K. Chatzisavvas (Thessaloniki): Universal quantum gates. An approach
beyond the standard circuit model
- December 7
R. Campoamor-Stursberg (Madrid): Matrix and determinantal methods
for the computation of Casimir operators of Lie algebras
- November 9
O. Kern (TU Darmstadt): Quantum algorithms and quantum maps - implementation and error correction models
- November 2
C. Burdik: New matrix Calogero models
- October 26
P. Jizba (CTU): Geometric background for thermal quantum field theories
- October 19
M. Uhlir (CTU): A hybrid theory of electron spin
- June 3
D. Sternheimer (Dijon): On the connection between internal and external
symmetries of elementary particles - revisited after 40 years
- May 18
P. Jizba (CTU): World according to Renyi - thermodynamics of multifractal systems
- May 11
F. Kleefeld (Lisboa): On nontrivial implications of (anti)causality to mathematical physics
- May 4
L. Hlavaty: Quantum sigma models and their dualities
- April 27
L. Hlavaty: Classical sigma models and their dualities
- March 23
D. Kazhdan (Jerusalem): Wess-Zumino-Witten model in eyes of a mathematician
- March 16
F. Hinterleitner (Brno): Introduction to loop quantum gravity
- January 6
D. Krejcirik (Lisbon): The nature of the essential spectrum in curved quantum waveguides
- December 16
G. Chadzitaskos: Parametric down conversion in the Kerr medium: exact solution
- December 9
A. Sergeyev (Ben Gurion Univ.): (Non)locality of symmetries, Poisson structures, and proof of the Novikov-Maltsev conjecture
- December 2
Z. Skalak (FCE CTU): Suitable weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation
- November 18
A. Frydryszak (Wroclaw): Supersymmetric mechanics and aspects of super-Hilbert
space quantization
- November 11
M. Hnatic (Kosice): Some problems concerning developed turbulence in the framework of simple models
- November 4
C. Burdik, O. Navratil: Calogero model and its solvability
- October 21
V. Buzek (Bratislava): Dynamics of open quantum systems from a perspective of quantum information theory
- October 14
T. Kiss (Budapest): Waves in singular media: Hawking radiation in the laboratory
- October 7
U. Guenther (Rossendorf): On the pseudo-Hermiticity of MHD dynamo operators
- September 23
J. Smotlacha (FNSPE): Differential dispersion relations and their importance for high-energy hadron scattering
- September 23
Z. Hubacek (FNSPE): Study of multijet final states
- May 20
Z. Fiala (Institute of Mechanics, AS): Large deformations -
a large unknown. Infinitedimensional Riemann manifolds in the mechanics of continuum
- May 13
A. Horzela (Krakow): Alternative Hamiltonians and Wigner quantization
- May 6
I. Jex (FNSPE): Universal processes for two qudits
- April 29
J. Kvasil (Charles U.): Compressional and toroidal dipole modes in nuclei
- April 22
P. Hellinger (API AS): Shock waves in collisionless plasma
- April 8
M. Krbalek (FNSPE): Local balance in non-equilibrium transport systems
- March 25
M. Noga (Bratislava): The oldest problem of the quantum many-body theory
- March 18
F. Gemperle (FNSPE): Wave operators, effective Hamiltonians, and an iterative scheme for their search
- March 11
M. Znojil: Polynomial oscillators in large dimensions
- March 4
V. Kares (FNSPE): Physics of D_0 branes
- February 25
G. Alber (Darmstadt): Stabilizing quantum dynamics against decoherence - problems, current developments, perspectives
- February 18
V.V. Sokolov (Moscow): Compatible Poisson brackets, classical Yang-Baxter equations and integrable systems of the sigma-model type
- February 18
A. Stolin (Goeteborg): Dynamical Yang-Baxter equations and homogeneous spaces
- February 11
A. Sergeyev (Opava): Constructing compatible Poisson structures and establishing integrability: an analog of master symmetry in the Hamiltonian context
- November 26
V.N. Tolstoy (Moscow): About rational-trigonometric deformation
- November 19
G. Rozenblioum (Chalmers): Regularisation of Chern-Simons classes and cyclic cohomologies
- October 29
J.-P. Gazeau (Paris VII): Berezin-Toeplitz quantization of the unit interval
- October 22
A. Chefles (U. of Herfortshire, Hatfield): The general theory of quantum state transformations
- October 15
H.-D. Doebner (Clausthal): Nonlinear transformations in nonlinear quantum mechanics
- October 8
L. Snobl (CTU): On modular spaces of semisimple Drinfeld doubles
- June 4
E. Andersson (Strathclyde): Bounds on measurement based on the no-signaling condition
- June 4
A. Lebedev (Minsk): Dynamical systems: stochastics, information, entropy
- May 28
L. Snobl (CTU): A classification of 6-dimensional Drinfeld doubles
- May 21
L. Hlavaty : T-duality and classical Drinfeld doubles
- May 14
J. Ruostekoski (Hatfield): Bose-Einstein condensation:
fundamentals and trends
- May 7
E. Paal (Tallin): Operadic curvature as a tool for cogravity
- May 7
V. Simak (IP) and P. Homola (IP): Quark physics
and the top quark, mass of the top quark
- April 30
K. Yoshitomi (Fukuoka): Persistent currents for 2D Schroedinger operator with a strong delta interaction on a loop
- April 23
M. Krbalek (CTU): Transport as a system of interacting particles
- April 16
G. Levai (Debrecen): The interplay of different symmetry concepts in quantum mechanical potential problems
- March 26
E. Weimar-Woods (FU Berlin): Generalized Inonu-Wigner contractions, contractions and deformations
- March 19
T. Kopf (Opava): Spectral geometry of spacetime
- March 5
M. Uhlir (CTU): Brans-Dicke theory: rest energy of proper fields of classical point sources
- February 19
D. Olive (Swansea): The principal so(1,2) subalgebra of the hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra
- December 4
Z. Popowicz (Wroclaw): Supersymmetric hydrodynamics
- November 27
M. del Olmo (Valladolid): Symmetry and Landau systems
- November 20
H. Narnhofer (Vienna): Quantum theory on T^2 (2-torus)
with magnetic field
- November 13
M. Anderle (CTU): A construction of spin wavelets on aperiodic sets
- November 13
O. Mares (CTU): An application of stochastic matrix method to a mathematical model of glass solidification
- November 6
B. Thaller (Graz): Visual quantum mechanics - using computer-generated animations to explain (relativistic) quantum mechanics
- October 26
D. Mermin (Cornell): Whose knowledge?
- October 23
V. Tolstoy (Moscow): Projectors for quantum groups
- October 16
A. Pashnev (Dubna): Higher spins, BRST constructions and Verma modules
- October 9
C. Burdik : Quantum groups according to S.L. Woronowicz
- July 10
K.B. Wolf (Cuernavaca): Finite oscillator models with
coherent states
- June 19
M. Solomyak (Rehovot): Eigenvalues of a perturbed operator lying below the spectrum of the unperturbed one
- June 5
P. Duclos (Toulon): On the dynamics of crystal electrons - high momentum regime
- May 22
R. von Unge (Brno): Scattering of non-commutative solitons
- May 15
M. Bednar (IP AS) and M. Havlicek: On non-standard deformations of orthogonal Lie algebras
- April 24
P. Isaev (Dubna): Quantization of the classical r-matrices
related to Belavin-Drinfeld triples
- April 17
M. Tater (NPI): Scattering on infinite planparallel layers
- April 10
B. Jurco and P. Schupp (Muenchen): Gauge fields on noncommutative spaces
- March 27
P. Winternitz (Montreal): Superintegrability, superseparability and exact solvability in quantum and classical mechanics
- March 20
P. Hellinger (IPP AS): Temperatures in a collisionless plasma
- March 13
M. Znojil: Calogero-type models
- March 6
C. Burdik: Schur-Weyl duality for quantum groups
- December 12
M. Andrle (CTU): Wavelet multiresolution for the Fibonnaci chain
- December 5
P. Presnajder (Bratislava): Quantum mechanics and field theory on noncommutative spaces
- November 28
J. Dittrich: A model of interband radiative transmission
- November 21
A. Delgado (Ulm): The generalized XOR and its applications
- November 14
A. Klimyk (Kyiv): Quantum dual pair (U'_q(so_n), U_q(sl_2))
- November 7
M. Znojil: The PT supersymmetry II
- October 31
A. Connes (Bures sur Yvette): Renormalization and
the Riemann-Hilbert problem
- October 24
Yu.S. Surovtsev (Dubna): Constrained dynamical systems: separation of constraints into 1st and 2nd classes
- October 17
S. Berceanu (Bucharest): Symplectic area of geodesic triangles and coherent states
- October 10
G. Chadzitaskos (CTU): Wigner-Weyl quantization on discrete and compact periodic spaces
- October 5
A. Vancura (Kaiserslautern): Left-handed environment and electrodynamics
- July 31
V. Zagrebnov (Marseille): Operator-norm approximation of semigroups by sectorial contractions
- July 31
T. Ichinose (Kanazawa): On the norm convergence of the Trotter-Kato product formula with error bound
- July 4
K. Yoshitomi (Fukuoka): Eigenvalue problems on domains with cracks
- June 13
A. Teta (Roma): Blow-up solutions for the Schroedinger equation with a nonlinear
point interaction [PQS 2000]
- June 13
A.U. Klimyk (Kiev): Laplace operator and q-harmonic polynomials on the quantum vector space
- June 8
G. Nenciu (Bucharest): Almost invariant subspaces for time dependent Hamiltonians
[PQS 2000]
- June 6
R. Purice (Bucharest): Exponential decay for embedded eigenvalues of perturbed periodic Hamiltonians [PQS 2000]
- June 6
I. Herbst (Charlotesville): Holonomic constraints in classical and quantum mechanics
[PQS 2000]
- June 1
M. Loss (Atlanta): Self-energy of electrons interacting with a radiation field
[PQS 2000]
- May 30
A. Jensen (Aalborg): Perturbation of eigenvalues embedded at a threshold
[PQS 2000]
- May 25
P. Duclos (Toulon): On the stability of periodically driven quantum systems II [PQS 2000]
- May 23
P. Duclos (Toulon): On the stability of periodically driven quantum systems I
[PQS 2000]
- May 16
T. Dorlas (Dublin): Anderson localisation and the quantum Hall effect
[PQS 2000]
- May 16
P. Zavada (IP AS): Relativistic wave equations with fractional derivatives
- May 9
J. Sala (CTU): Construction of representation from coadjoint orbits - SL(2,R) as an example
- May 4
B. Dalton (Brighton): Quasi-mode theory of the beam splitter
- May 2
M. Benes (CTU): Dynamics in differential geometry - curvature driven motion of closed curves in the plane
- April 27
G.M. Graf (Zurich): Extended edge states in quantum Hall systems [PQS 2000]
- April 25
V.A. Geyler (Saransk): Point perturbations of the Schroedinger operator with a magnetic field - theory and applications II
[PQS 2000]
- April 20
V.A. Geyler (Saransk): Point perturbations of the Schroedinger operator with a magnetic field - theory and applications I
[PQS 2000]
- April 18
A. Joye (Grenoble): Molecular propagation in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
[PQS 2000]
- April 11
K. Nemcova (Charles University): Dirichlet layer with point perturbations
- April 11
J. Asch (Toulon): On the dynamics of crystal electrons, high momentum regime
- April 6
Ph. Martin (Lausanne): Lifetimes of impurity states in crossed electric and magnetic fields
[PQS 2000]
- April 4
S. Fournais (Aarhus): On the magnetisation of large atoms in strong magnetic fields
[PQS 2000]
- April 4
Ph. Martin (Lausanne): Survey of exact results in low density Coulomb systems
[PQS 2000]
- March 30
T. Weidl (Stockholm): Recent results on Lieb-Thirring inequalities
[PQS 2000]
- March 28
T. Weidl (Stockholm): Virtual bound states and magnetic fields
[PQS 2000]
- March 23
Ch. Remling (Osnabruck): One-dimensional Schroedinger operators with long-range interactions II
[PQS 2000]
- March 16
Ch. Remling (Osnabruck): One-dimensional Schroedinger operators with long-range interactions I
[PQS 2000]
- March 14
M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Vienna): Critical sets of solutions to elliptic PDE
[PQS 2000]
- March 14
T. Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Vienna): Aharonov Bohm Hamiltonians and eigenvalues in symmetry subspaces
[PQS 2000]
- March 7
J. Valenta, P. Homola (CTU): A reconstruction of the top quark from final states of two leptons and two jets
- February 15
M. Arndt (Wien): Buckyball interferometry
- January 18
R. Gadylshin (Ufa): Asymptotics for some singularly perturbed boundary value problems for the Laplacian
- January 11
L. Hlavaty: Chiral model for two-dimensional solvable groups (dedicated to M. Znojil)
- January 4
M. Petrini (Imperial College): Renormalization group flow
from AdS dynamics
- December 7
G. Alber (Ulm): Wave packet dynamics on atoms and the short wavelength approximation of quantum mechanics
- November 30
V. Karassiov (Moscow): G-invariant Jordan-like mappings and dual Lie-algebraic pairs in quantum many-body physics
- November 23
P. Seba: Bus transport in Cuernavaca (Mexico) and the (random) theory of random matrices
- November 9
P. Jizba (Cambridge): Topological effects as an inhomogeneous condensate in QFT
- November 2
M. Vittot (Toulon): Weakly regular Floquet Hamiltonians with pure point spectrum
- October 26
E. Mourre (Marseille): On some spectral properties of discrete operators on Z^d
- October 19
A.T. Filippov (Dubna): Integrable models of quantum gravity
- October 19
A.U. Klimyk (Kyiv): Nonstandard q-deformation of the universal enveloping algebra U(so(n))
- October 12
A. Isaev (Dubna): On quantum matrix algebras which satisfy Cayley-Hamilton-Newton identities
- October 5
A. Pashnev (Dubna): Nonlinear realizations of diffeomorphism groups and particle models
- September 28
Yu. Neretin (Moscow): Matrix analogues of B-functions
- September 14
J. Soucek (CTU): Classical aspects of N=2 strings
- September 14
L. Klouda (CTU): WZWN model gauges
- September 7
S. Posta and A. Cech (CTU): A deformed algebra U_q(so_3)
- June 15
T. Suslina (Sankt Petersburg): Absolute continuity of periodic Schroedinger operators with electric and magnetic potentials and a variable metric
- June 1
I. Rotter (Dresden): Avoided level crossings in open quantum systems
- May 25
L. Hlavaty: Lax formulation of sigma models on SU(2)
- May 18
R. Mendez (Essen): Vibrating soap films: an analogue for quantum chaos on billiards
- May 13
J.-L. Verger-Gaugry (Grenoble): Mathematical quasicrystals
- May 11
J. Brasche (Bonn): Upper bounds for Neumann-Schatten norms of the Birman-Schwinger kernel
- May 4
B. Geyer (Leipzig): Quantization of general gauge theories
- April 27
A. Uhlmann (Leipzig): Quantum channels of the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky kind
- April 20
F. Gemperle (CTU): The eigenvalue problems for large matrices and applications in quantum theory
- April 13
A. Joye (Grenoble): Semiclassical estimates with exponentially small errors
- April 6
O. Vana (CTU): Time dependent Hamiltonians
- March 23
J. Kupsch (Kaiserslautern): Mathematical aspects of decoherence in quantum mechanics
- March 9
J. Dittrich : A massive scalar field in an oscillating region
- March 2
J. Niederle (IP AS): A fermion-boson similarity
- February 23
M. Znojil : Paradoxes of a PT-symmetric quantum mechanics
- February 16
A. Suzko (Dubna): Inverse problem and Darboux transformations for two-dimensional finite-difference Schroedinger equation
- January 5
M. Zahradnik (Charles University): Pirogov-Sinai theory of phase transitions and some recent applications
December 8
J. Tolar : The Chinese remainder theorem and quantum mechanics
- November 26
A.U. Klimyk (Kiev): Infinite-dimensional representations of quantum algebras and their applications
- November 24
D. Baleanu (Dubna): Killing-Yano symmetry and Nambu mechanics
- November 10
P. Duclos (Toulon): Stability of periodically driven systems
- November 3
U. Grimm (Chemnitz): Electrons in quasicrystals
- October 27
P. Exner: Small-obstacle scattering and probability
current vortices
- October 20
P. Zizler (CTU): Wavelets and their appliactions
- October 13
A. Vancura (Kaiserslautern): Do neutrinos have a nonzero mass?
- October 6
R. Krejcar (CTU): Z_{beta}-quasilattices and quasicrystals
- September 1
A. Arai (Sapporo): Representation-theoretic aspects of a gauge theory on a non-simply connected space
- July 21
T. Ichinose (Kanazawa): Norm estimate for Kac's tranfer operator with applications to the Lie-Trotter product formula
- June 2
J. Schmiedmayer (Innsbruck): Atoms in singular fields
- May 12
E.M. Harrell (Atlanta): Optimizing the eigenvalues of Schroedinger equations with potential energy determined by curvature
- May 5
L. Hlavaty: Chiral models
- April 28
D. Krejcirik (Charles University): Parallel waveguides with a semitransparent boudary
- April 21
T. Digernes (Trondheim): Finite-dimensional approximations of quantum systems
- April 7
W. Luecke (Clausthal): Gisin nonlocality of Bialynicki-Birula's and Mycielski's nonlinear quantum mechanics
- March 31
L. Rob (Charles University): Detection of quanta of a cosmic origin
- March 24
M. Welk (Leipzig): Differential calculus on quantum spheres and quantum homogeneous spaces
- March 17
V. Jasensky (CTU): Integrability and Seiberg-Witten theory (an introduction)
- March 10
W. Renger (Clausthal): Limiting absorption principle for singularly perturbed operators
- March 3
O. Vana (CTU): Krein formula and its applications in determining spectral properties of Schroedinger operators
- February 23
M. Malinsky (CTU): The theoretical limiting Higgs boson mass in generalized standard models
- February 16
C. Juszczak (Wroclaw): Classification of low-dimensional Lie super-bialgebras osp(1,2) and super-e(2)
- December 16
S. Posta (CTU): Representations of a quantum deformation of so(3)
- December 9
J. Fischer (IP AS): Summation of power expansions in quantum field theory
- December 2
L. Snobl (CTU): Bethe Ansatz and Yang-Baxter equations
- November 28
A. Zeilinger (Innsbruck): Quantum locality and
- November 18
C. Schulte (Clausthal): Quantum mechanics on special topologically non-trivial manifolds
- November 13
U. Leonhardt (Ulm): State reconstruction in quantum mechanics II
- November 12
U. Leonhardt (Ulm): State reconstruction in quantum mechanics I
- November 11
P. Duclos (Toulon): KAM type method in quantum mechanics revisited
- November 4
A.U. Klimyk (Kiev): Infinite-dimensional representations of quantum algebras and their applications
- October 21
Z. Masakova (CTU): Mathematical properties of quasicrystals
- October 14
A. Vancura (Kaiserslautern): Faster than light?
- October 7
R. Krejcar (CTU): Z_tau quasilattices applied to description of five-fold quasicrystals (with the example of Penrose tiling)
- September 30
I. Jex (CTU): From Schroedinger to Mathieu equation in atomic optics
- September 9
H. de Guise (Montreal): Graded contractions of representations
- June 10
A. Perelomov (Zaragoza): Quantum integrable systems 5
- June 4
A. Perelomov (Zaragoza): Quantum integrable systems 4
- June 3
P. Duclos (Toulon): A perturbative method for Floquet Hamiltonians with point spectrum
- June 3
A. Perelomov (Zaragoza): Quantum integrable systems 3
- May 28
A. Perelomov (Zaragoza): Quantum integrable systems 2
- May 27
A. Perelomov (Zaragoza): Quantum integrable systems
- May 20
P. Bona (Bratislava): Pragmatism in the foundations of quantum theory
- May 20
L.S. Schulman (Clarkson U., Potsdam): Time arrow and quantum measurement
- April 29
N. Gonzalez (Toulon): Introduction to diffeomorphisms of the circle
- April 24
N. Imoto (NTT Research, Tokyo): Quantum information processing
- April 22
O. Vana (CTU): Geometry of the Legendre transformation
- April 15
M. Konopka (Bratislava): Photonic band gaps
- April 8
A. Bona (CTU): Geometry of the configuration space of an anyon system
- April 2
P. Lahti (Turku): Symmetry groups in quantum mechanics and the theorem of Wigner on the symmetry transformations
- March 25
J. Patera (Montreal): Quasicrystals
- March 11
P. Streda (IP AS): Quantum Hall effect
- February 25
R. Babilon (Charles University): Penrose tiling
- December 10
C. Burdik: Algebraic properties beta-numbers and quasicrystals
- December 3
P. Seba: Wave chaos - theory and experiments
- November 26
D.V. Shirkov (JINR Dubna): Renormalization group method in theoretical and mathematical physics
- November 19
E. Pelantova (CTU): Grading of the classical Lie algebras
- November 12
E. Husstad (Trondheim): Finite approximation of Weyl systems
- November 5
H. Paul (Berlin): "Interference" and "which way" information
- October 29
A. Zeilinger (Innsbruck): The physical reality in the quantum experiment
- October 18
W. Karwowski (Wroclaw): Schroedinger operators with perturbations supported by null sets
- October 15
A. Vancura (Kaiserslautern): The Bernoulli family of Basel
- October 8
M. Havlicek: Maximal Abelian subgroups of diagonalizable automorphisms of the classical complex Lie algebras
- September 30
J. Voigt (Dresden): Schroedinger equation and heat equation with absorption
- September 17
D. Sternheimer (Dijon): Quantization by deformation
- June 6
M. Hillery (City University of NY): Bell's theorem and beyond
- June 4
P. Duclos (Toulon): Rayleigh perturbation formula for dense point spectrum
- May 30
P. Winternitz (Montreal): Maximal simple subalgebras of the algebra of diffeomorphisms of an n-dimensional space
- May 30
W. Schleich (Ulm): Paul trap endoscopy: measurement of the vibratory quantum state of a single ion
- May 14
P. Travnicek (API AS): Gradated contractions of symplectic algebras in algebraic theory of collective models of atomic nuclei
- May 7
V. Soucek (Charles University): Conformally invariant operators on 4-dimensional spacetimes
- April 30
J. Niederle (IP AS): Conformal symmetry in physics and astrophysics
- April 23
J.-P. Gazeau (Paris VI): Quasicrystals II
- April 16
E. Ivashkevich (JINR Dubna): Self-organized criticality in Abelian sandpiles
- April 2
G. Chadzitaskos (CTU): Coherent states in Hilbert space of a finite dimension
- March 26
G. Chadzitaskos (CTU): A simple example of discrete quantum mechanics
- March 19
G. Chadzitaskos (CTU): Coherent states in q-deformed quantum mechanics
- March 12
P. Exner: Asymptotic properties of bound states in quantum waveguides
- March 5
C. Burdik: Bosonisation of affine quantum algebra U_q(sl(2)~) II
- February 27
C. Burdik: Bosonisation of affine quantum algebra U_q(sl(2)~)
- February 20
L. Hlavaty: Lax pairs
- February 13
M. Tater (NPI): Quantum chaos III
- February 6
M. Tater (NPI): Quantum chaos II
- January 30
M. Tater (NPI): Quantum chaos
- December 19
B. Jurco (Olomouc): Quantum groups and integrable systems II
- December 12
S.A. Vugalter (Nizhni Novgorod): Many-particle Schroedinger operators with a magnetic field. Spectral asymptotics
- December 5
J. Asch (Toulon): Lower bounds on the width of Stark-Wannier type resonances
- November 28
A.U. Klimyk (Kiev): Spectra of representation operators for quantum groups and q-oscillator algebras II
- November 21
B. Jurco (Olomouc): Quantum groups and integrable systems
- November 14
V. Jasensky (CTU): An integrable hierarchy of classical evolution equations
- October 31
P. Seba: Quantum chaos
- October 24
P. Moylan (Pennsylvania): Singleton representations of the q-deformed anti-de Sitter algebra
- October 10
I. Jex (Berlin): Theory and applications of symmetric multiports
- July 10
J.R. Klauder (Gainesville): Poisson distributions: Antidote for triviality
- June 19
M. Grmela (EP Montreal): Hamiltonian structures in macroscopic dynamics
- June 14
M. Blazek (Bratislava): Fundamental equations governing multifractality in chaotic phenomena
- June 6
V. Sotnikov (IAP AS): Excitation of sideband emissions in the ionospheric plasma
- May 30
A. Uhlmann (Leipzig): Riemannian metrics and phase transport in state spaces
- May 23
P. Bona (Bratislava): A possible interpretation of nonlinear quantum mechanics
- May 16
N. Gonzalez (Marseille): Wave reflection on a moving boundary
- May 9
V.S. Buslaev (Sankt Peterburg): Bloch solutions of difference equations and the spectrum of Hofstadter-type operators
- May 9
M.S. Birman (Sankt Peterburg): On the discrete spectrum of the Schroedinger operator in two-dimensional case
- April 25
M. Tater (NPI): Bound states in laterally coupled waveguides II
- April 18
J. Vanzura (Brno): Braided quantum groups
- April 11
M. Antonec (Nizhni Novgorod): Critical phenomena for infinitely divisible distributions on lattices
- April 4
E. Pelantova (CTU): tau-integers and five-fold Meyer sets in the plane
- March 28
A.U. Klimyk (Kiev): Spectra of representation operators for quantum
groups and q-oscillator algebras
- March 21
P. Exner: Contact interactions on lattice graphs
- March 14
M. Tater (NPI): Bound states in laterally coupled waveguides
- March 7
J.F. Cornwell (St. Andrews): Kac-Moody algebras and their automorphisms
- February 28
L. Hlavaty: Braided groups in non-ultralocal integrable models
- February 21
J.-P. Gazeau (Paris VI): Quasicrystals
- February 14
M. Benes (CTU): A model for first-order phase transitions in crystallic substances
- January 12
V.G. Kac (MIT): Quantum groups and their representations
- December 20
M. Rouleux (Toulon): Feshbach resonances in the semiclassical limit
- December 20
V.P. Gerdt (JINR Dubna): Computer algebra and non-linear equations
- December 19
M. Vittot (Marseille): On the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem
- December 19
P. Duclos (Toulon): Spectral stability: the method of big divisors
- December 13
J.L. Bello (Queen Mary College): Field-antifield formalism for infinitely reducible field theories
- December 12
J.M. Combes (Toulon): Localization for random Schroedinger operators on L^2(R^d)
- December 6
V. Kornyak (JINR Dubna): An algoritm for analysis of the structure of finitely presented Lie algebras
- November 29
L. Trlifaj (IP AS): A solution for a hierarchy of periodic Toda lattices
- November 23
P. Travnicek (AS): Graded contractions and the conformal spacetime group
- Novemeber 15
P. Bona (Bratislava): Remarks on measurement and universality of quantum mechanics
- November 8
J. Bohard (Paris VII): Kolmogorov theory of the persistence of invariant tori for Hamiltonian systems under perturbation
- November 1
S.A. Ktitorov (Sankt Peterburg): Harper-Hofstadter operator and calculation of its spectral invariants
- October 25
P. Exner: Wannier-Stark systems with singular interactions
- October 18
R. Grodzicki (Montreal): A description of reflection-generated polytopes in hyperbolic space using decorations of Coxeter diagrams
- October 4
P. Winternitz (Montreal): Infinite symmetry groups of integrable systems
- May 24
P. Jizba (CTU): Canonical quantization of a nonlinear sigma-model (a bosonic string) II
- May 17
J. Vanzura (Brno): Leibnitz algebras
- May 10
P. Presnajder (Bratislava): Gauge fields on a noncommutative sphere
- May 6
A.M. Perelomov (Moscow): Quantum integrable systems of N particles on a line
- May 2
H.D. Doebner (Clausthal): Nonlinear Schroedinger equation
- April 26
J.P. Gazeau (Paris VI): Semigroups for quasicrystals
- April 12
A. Kundu (Bonn): Generation of a class of quantum integrable discrete-time (or relativistic) periodic Toda chains
- April 5
T. Schweder (Oslo): Scenario modelling for management of environment or renewable resources in the presence of considerable uncertainty
- March 29
J.E. Avron (Technion): Integers and chaos in adiabatic quantum transport
- March 22
P. Jizba (CTU): Canonical quantization of a nonlinear sigma-model (a bosonic string)
- March 15
J. Slovak (Charles University): Nonlinear partial differential equations invariant with respect the Poincare and conformal groups in n+1 dimensions
- March 8
J. Dittrich: A relativistic Fermi accelerator
- March 1
V. Severa (Charles University): Quantum chains with the U_q(sl(2)) symmetry
- February 23
L. Hlavaty: Open spin chains and quadratic algebras II
- February 15
P. Travnicek (CTU): Graded contractions of the so(4,2) Lie algebra
- December 21
G. Chadzitaskos (CTU): Quantization on Z_n and coherent states over Z_n x Z_n
- December 21
S. Twareque Ali (Concordia, Montreal): Coherent states, Berezin quantization and geometric quantization
- December 21
P. Stovicek: On coherent states for compact quantum groups
- December 21
P. Bona (Bratislava): Classical subsystems in quantum mechanics
- December 21
G.G. Emch (Gainesville): Modular structures in geometric quantization
- December 14
Z. Popowicz (Wroclaw): The Q-deformation of Hamiltonian mechanics
- December 7
P. Bona (Bratislava): The measurement process and universality of the quantum theory
- November 30
P. Garbaczewski (Wroclaw): Drifts versus forces: the Ehrenfest theorem for Markov diffusions
- November 23
D. Sternheimer (Paris): Topological quantum groups, star-products and their relations
- November 16
L. Hlavaty: Quadratic algebras and open spin chains
- November 9
W. Henneberger (Carbondale): Dynamics of the Aharonov-Bohm effect
- November 2
L. Hlavaty: Integrable spin chains
- October 26
P. Presnajder (Bratislava): Noncommutative geometry
- November 19
P. Mosley (Nottingham): Relativistic problem of two particles
- October 12
P. Exner: Stark ladder without an absolutely continuous spectrum
- October 5
C. Burdik: A construction of explicit irreducible representations of U_q(sl(n) II
- May 25
A. Kopal (Liberec): Resonance scattering of a quantum particle on a quasiperiodic potential
- May 18
B. Rudolf (CTU): Thermodynamic interpretation of a generalized nonlinear Schroedinger-Langevin equation
- May 11
D.V. Alekseevski (Vienna): Quaternionic manifolds
- May 4
N. Andruschkiewitsch: Introduction to quantum groups
- April 27
P. Presnajder (Bratislava): Non-commutative geometry
- March 13
P. Hellinger (Charles University): Quantum double
- March 30
J.P. Antoine (Louvain-la-Neuve): Wavelets
- March 23
J. Vanzura (Brno): Braided groups
- March 16
V. Inozemtsev (JINR Dubna): An extension of the Bethe Ansatz
- March 9
J. Hruby (Prague): A q-deformed Baecklund transformation
- March 2
J. Dittrich: A classical string with a periodic length variation (a d'Alembert field in a pulsating region)
- February 23
L. Trlifaj (IP AS): An alternative solution for the periodic Toda chain
- February 16
Z. Janda (IP AS): Supergravities as nonlinear group realizations