P. Exner - a list of
Non-journal publications such as contributions to conference proceedings are included if they appear before a paper with a substantial time gap, if the topic is not covered by a journal publication, or they present a wider survey. For papers before 2024, the two e-print versions may differ, because the Austin archive lacked a replacement facility preserving the number, hence minor prepublication changes were (and are) typically done in the ArXiv version only. Links to the abstracts can be used to download full texts as they appeared in print, even for pre-electronic age papers, if the paper is open-access type or your library subscribes the particular journal.
[334] P. Exner, O. Post:
First order operators on shrinking graph-like spaces,
submitted to J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor.
[arXiv:2502.19904 [math-ph]]
[333] M. Baradaran, P. Exner, A. Khrabustovskyi:
Quantum lattice transport along an infinitely extended perturbation,
submitted to J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor.
[arXiv:2412.20919 [math.SP]]
[332] P. Exner, J. Rohleder:
Optimization of quantum graph eigenvalues with preferred orientation vertex conditions,
submitted to Ann H. Poincaré
[arXiv:2410.21820 [math-ph]]
[331] P. Exner, D.Spitzkopf:
Magnetic transport due to a translationally invariant potential obstacle,
submitted to J. Math. Phys.
[arXiv:2410.16036 [math-ph]]
[330] P. Exner, J. Pekař:
Spectral properties of hexagonal lattices with the -R coupling,
Rep. Math. Phys. 95 (2025), to appear
[arXiv:2409.03538 [math-ph]]
[329] P. Exner, H. Kovařík:
Optimizing the ground of a Robin Laplacian: asymptotic behavior,
submitted to SIAM J. Math. Anal.
[arXiv:2408.11636 [math.SP]]
[328] K. Ando, E. Blasten, P. Exner, H. Isozaki, E. Korotyaev, M. Lassas, J. Lu, H. Morioka:
Inverse problems for quantum graph associated with square and hexagonal lattices
submitted to Rev. Math. Phys.
[arXiv:2409.02605 [math-ph]]
[327] P. Exner, J. Pekař:
Vertex coupling interpolation in quantum chain graphs,
J. Math. Phys. 65 (2024), 092102
[arXiv:2403.09457 [math-ph];
[326] M. Baradaran, P. Exner:
Cairo lattice with time-reversal non-invariant vertex couplings,
J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. 57 (2024), 265202
[mp_arc 23-85;
arXiv:2312.13827 [math.SP];
[325] J. Behrndt, P. Exner, M. Holzmann, M. Tušek:
On two-dimensional Dirac operators with delta-shell interactions supported on unbounded curves with straight ends},
submitted to Proceedings of "Puglia Summer Trimester 2023"
[mp_arc 23-86;
arXiv:2312.00181 [math.SP]]
[324] P. Exner:
Geometrically induced spectral properties of soft quantum waveguides and layers
Rev. Math. Phys. 36 (2024), 236003
[323] P. Exner, D. Spitzkopf:
Tunneling in soft waveguides: closing a book
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 (2024), 125301
[mp_arc 23-39;
arXiv:2307.01536 [math.SP];
[322] P. Exner:
Geometry effects in quantum dot families
Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 9 (2024), 1065-1080
[mp_arc 23-36;
arXiv:2305.12748 [math.SP]]
[321] P. Exner, S. Vugalter:
Bound states in bent soft waveguides
J. Spectral Theory 14 (2024), 427-457
[mp_arc 23-32;
arXiv:2304.14776 [math.SP];
[320] P. Exner, S. Kondej, V. Lotoreichik:
Bound states of weakly deformed soft waveguides
Asymptotic Analysis 138 (2024), 151-174
[mp_arc 222-3;
arXiv:2211.0198 [math.SP];
[319] E. Blasten, P. Exner, H. Isozaki, M. Lassas, Jinpeng Lu:
Inverse problems for locally perturbed lattices - Discrete Hamiltonian and
quantum graph
Annales Henri Lebesgue to appear
[mp_arc 22-8;
arXiv:2202.00944 [math-ph]]
[318] M. Baradaran, P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Magnetic square lattice with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
Ann. Phys. 454 (2023), 169339
[mp_arc 23-4;
arXiv:2302.04601 [math-ph];
[317] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner:
Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacian on spiral-shaped regions
J. Spect. Theory 13 (2023), 247-261
[mp_arc 22-32;
arXiv:2206.14058 [math.SP];
[316] D.I. Borisov, P. Exner:
Approximation of point interactions by geometric perturbations in two-dimensional domains
Bull. Math.Sci. 13 (2023), 2250003
[mp_arc 20-68;
arXiv:2008.00478 [math-ph];
[315] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Spectral transition model with the general contact interaction
From Complex Analysis to Operator Theory: A Panorama. In Memory of Sergey Naboko (M. Brown, F. Gesztesy, P. Kurasov, A. Laptev, B. Simon, G. Stolz, and I. Wood, eds.), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol.291, Birh user 2023; pp. 523-547.
[mp_arc 22-34;
arXiv:2207.03713 [math-ph];
[314] P. Exner:
Magnetic transport in laterally coupled layers
Physica Scripta 97 (2022), 104004 (11pp)
[mp_arc 22-33;
arXiv:2207.01252 [math.SP];
[313] P. Exner, S. Nakamura, Y. Tadano:
Continuum limit of the lattice quantum graph Hamiltonian
Lett. Math. Phys. 112 (2022), 83 (15pp)
[mp_arc 22-9;
arXiv:2202.06586 [math-ph];
[312] M. Baradaran, P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Magnetic ring chains with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 (2022), 375203
[mp_arc 22-1;
arXiv:2201.01502 [math-ph];
[311] P. Exner, M. Holzmann:
Dirac operator spectrum in tubes and layers with a zigzag type boundary
Lett. Math. Phys. 112 (2022), 102
[mp_arc 21-60;
arXiv:2112.08109 [math.SP];
[310] P. Exner:
Soft quantum waveguides in three dimensions
J. Math. Phys. 63 (2022), 042103 (9pp)
[mp_arc 21-47;
arXiv:13142 [math.SP];
[309] M. Baradaran, P. Exner:
Kagome network with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
J. Math. Phys. 63 (2022), 083502 (19pp)
[mp_arc 21-34;
arXiv:2106.16019 [math-ph];
[308] M. Baradaran, P. Exner, M. Tater:
Spectrum of periodic chain graphs with time-reversal non-invariant vertex coupling
Ann. Phys. 443 (2022), 168992 (24pp)
[mp_arc 20-109;
arXiv:2012.14344 [math-ph];
[307] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik:
Spectral optimization for Robin Laplacian on domains admitting parallel coordinates
Math. Nachr. 295 (2022), 1163-1173
[mp_arc 20-2;
arXiv:2001.02718 [math.SP];
[306] P. Exner, M. Tater:
Quantum graphs: self-adjoint, and yet exhibiting a nontrivial $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry
Phys. Lett. A416 (2021), 127669 (6pp)
[mp_arc 21-43;
arXiv:2108.04708 [math-ph];
[305] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik:
Optimization of the lowest eigenvalue of a soft quantum ring
Lett. Math. Phys. 111 (2021), 28 (22pp)
[mp_arc 20-2;
arXiv:2011.02257 [math-ph];
[304] P. Exner, T. Ichinose:
Note on a product formula related to quantum Zeno dynamics
Ann. H. Poincar 22 (2021), 1669-1697, correction 1699-1700
[mp_arc 20-110;
arXiv:2012.15061 [math-ph];
[303] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner:
Magnetic field influence on the discrete spectrum of locally deformed leaky wires
Rep. Math. Phys. 88 (2021), 47-57
[mp_arc 20-46;
arXiv:2006.03877 [math.SP];
[302] P. Exner:
Quantum graphs with vertices violating the time reversal symmetry (in Russian)
Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nucleus 52 (2021), 645-657; English transl. 52 (2021), 330-336
[301] P. Exner:
Topologically induced spectral behavior: the example of quantum graphs
Proceedings of the "8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians" (Beijing 2019), to appear
[mp_arc 20-24;
arXiv:2003.06189 [math.SP]]
[300] D.I. Borisov, P. Exner:
Gap opening in two-dimensional periodic systems
Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), 1950080 (22pp)
[mp_arc 18-100;
arXiv:1810.08824 [math.SP];
[299] P. Exner:
Leaky quantum structures
Trudy MIAN 311 (2020), 123-139; Proc. Steklov Inst. 311 (2020), 114-128
[abs-russ; abs-eng]
[298] P. Exner, M. Tater:
Spectral properties of spiral-shaped quantum waveguides
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 (2020), 5050303 (25pp)
[mp_arc 20-80;
arXiv:2009.02730 [math-ph];
[297] P. Exner:
Spectral properties of soft quantum waveguides
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.53 (2020), 355302 (15pp); corrigendum 54 (2021), 099501
[mp_arc 20-48;
arXiv:200615071 [math.SP];
[296] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Topological bulk-edge effects in quantum graph transport
Phys. Lett. A384 (2020), 126390 (9pp)
[mp_arc 20-5;
arXiv:2001.10735 [math-ph];
[295] M. Baradaran, P. Exner, M. Tater:
Ring chains with vertex coupling of a preferred orientation
Rev. Math. Phys. 32 (2020), 2060005 (14pp)
[mp_arc 19-61;
arXiv:1912.03667 [math.SP];
[294] P. Exner:
Dirac operators with a delta-shell interaction
Proceedings of the International Bogolyubov Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (Moscow and Dubna 2019), Physics of Particles and Nuclei 51 (2020), 405-409
[293] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Spectral optimization for strongly singular Schr dinger operators with a star-shaped interaction
Lett. Math. Phys. 110 (2020), 735-751
[mp_arc 19-35;
arXiv:1906.00390 [math-ph];
[292] P. Exner:
Spectral optimization for singular Schr dinger operators
Proceedings of the conference "Differential Operators on Graphs and Waveguides" (Graz 2019), Operators and Matrices 14 (2020), 705-716
[291] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner:
Spectral geometry in a rotating frame: properties of the ground state
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 489 (2020), 124130(12pp)
[mp_arc 19-17;
arXiv:1902.03038 [math.SP];
[290] J. Behrndt, P. Exner, M. Holzmann, V. Lotoreichik:
The Landau Hamiltonian with delta-interactions supported on curves
Rev. Math. Phys. 32 (2020), 2050010 (51pp)
[mp_arc 18-118;
arXiv:1812.09145 [math.SP];
[289] P. Exner:
Schr dinger operators with a switching effect
in Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Analytic and Numerical Solutions (P. Manchanda, R.P. Lozi, A.H. Siddiqi, eds.), Springer, Singapore 2020; pp.13-31
[arXiv:1810.08824 [math-ph];book]
[288] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik:
Spectral asymptotics of the Dirichlet Laplacian on a generalized parabolic layer
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 92 (2020), 15 (26pp)
[mp_arc 18-64;
arXiv:1805.12448 [math.SP];
[287] P. Exner:
Singular Schr dinger operators and Robin billiards. Spectral properties and asymptotic expansions
Afrika Matematika 31 (2020), 71-88
[mp_arc 18-81;
arXiv:1807.06835 [math-ph];
[286] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Spectral asymptotics of the Laplacian on Platonic solids graphs
J. Math. Phys. 60 (2019), 122101 (21pp)
[mp_arc 19-42;
arXiv:1906.09091 [math.SP];
[285] P. Exner:
An optimization problem for finite point interaction families
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 (2019), 405302 (12pp)
[mp_arc 19-36;
arXiv:1906.01229 [math.SP];
[284] J. Behrndt, P. Exner, M. Holzmann, V. Lotoreichik:
On Dirac operators in R^3 with electrostatic and Lorentz scalar delta-shell interactions
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 6 (2019), 295-314
[mp_arc 19-14;
arXiv:1901.11323 [math.SP];
[283] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Scattering on leaky wires in dimension three
in Analysis and Operator Theory In Honor of Tosio Kato s 100th Birthday (Th. Rassias and V. Zagrebnov, eds.), Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol. 146, Cham 2019; pp. 81-91.
[mp_arc 18-108;
arXiv:1811.04802 [math-ph]]
[282] P. Exner, A. Khrabustovskyi:
Gap control by singular Schr\"odinger operators in a periodically structured metamaterial
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, and Geometry 14 (2018), 270-285
[mp_arc 18-22;
arXiv:1802.07522 [math.SP];
[281] P. Exner, O. Turek, M. Tater:
A family of quantum graph vertex couplings interpolating between different symmetries
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 (2018), 285301 (22pp)
[mp_arc 18-44;
arXiv:1804.01414 [math-ph];
[280] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Smilansky-Solomyak model with a $\delta'$-interaction
Phys. Lett. A382 (2018), 1207-1213
[mp_arc 18-6;
arXiv:1801.08304 [math-ph];
[279] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Aharonov and Bohm versus Welsh eigenvalues
Lett. Math. Phys. 108 (2018), 2153-2167
[mp_arc 17-115;
arXiv:1712.04897 [math.SP];
[278] F. Bakharev, P. Exner:
Geometrically induced spectral effects in tubes with a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary
Rep. Math. Phys. 81 (2018), 213-231
[mp_arc 17-89;
arXiv:1708.08068 [math.SP];
[277] P. Exner, A. Kostenko, M. Malamud, H. Neidhardt:
Spectral theory of infinite quantum graphs
Ann. H. Poincar 19 (2018), 3457-3510
[mp_arc 17-59;
arXiv:1705.01831 [math-ph];
[276] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik, A. Pérez-Obiol:
On the bound states of magnetic Laplacians on wedges
Rep. Math. Phys. 82 (2018), 161-185
[mp_arc 17-35;
arXiv:1703.03667 [math.SP];
[275] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik:
Optimization of the lowest eigenvalue for leaky star graphs
in Proceedings of the of conference
"Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics" (QMath13, Atlanta 2016; F. Bonetto, D. Borthwick, E. Harrell, M. Loss, eds.), Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, Prividence, R.I. 2018; p. 187-196
[mp_arc 17-10;
arXiv:1701.06840 [math.SP];
[274] P. Exner, T. Kalvoda, M. Tušek:
A geometric Iwatsuka type effect in quantum layers
J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), 042105 (19pp)
[mp_arc 17-6;
arXiv:1701.05714 [math-ph];
[273] J. Behrndt, P. Exner, M. Holzmann, V. Lotoreichik:
On the spectral properties of Dirac operators with electrostatic delta-shell interactions
J. Math. Pures Appl. 111 (2018), 47-78
[mp_arc 16-74;
arXiv:1609.00608 [math.SP];
[272] P. Exner:
On the spectrum of leaky surfaces with a potential bias
in "Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Stochastic Analysis. The Helge Holden Anniversary Volume" (F. Gesztesy et al. eds.), EMS, Z rich 2018, pp. 169--181.
[mp_arc 17-7;
arXiv:1701.06288 [math-ph]]
[271] P. Exner, M. Tater:
Quantum graphs with vertices of a preferred orientation
Phys. Lett. A (2018) 382 (2018), 283-287
[mp_arc 17-100;
arXiv:1710.02664 [math-ph];
[270] P. Exner, S. Kondej, V. Lotoreichik:
Asymptotics of the bound state induced by $\delta$-interaction supported on a weakly deformed plane
J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), 013051 (17pp)
[mp_arc 17-34;
arXiv:1703.10854 [math.SP];
[269] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner:
A magnetic version of the Smilansky-Solomyak model
J. Phys. A50 (2017), 485203 (24pp)
[mp_arc 17-86;
arXiv:1708.07375 [math.SP];
[268] P. Exner, O. Turek:
Periodic quantum graphs from the Bethe-Sommerfeld perspective
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017), 455201 (32pp)
[mp_arc 17-67;
arXiv:1705.07306 [math-ph];
[267] P. Exner, O. Turek:
Quantum graphs with the Bethe-Sommerfeld property
Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math. 8 (2017), to 305-309
[mp_arc 17-60;
arXiv:1705.04363 [quant-ph];
[266] P. Exner, D. Vašata:
Cantor spectra of magnetic chain graphs
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017), 165201 (13pp)
[mp_arc 16-90;
arXiv:1611.04559 [math-ph];
[265] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik, M. Tater:
Spectral and resonance properties of Smilansky Hamiltonian
Phys. Lett. A381 (2017), 756-761
[mp_arc 16-84;
arXiv:1610.02868 [math-ph];
[264] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner:
A regular analogue of the Smilansky model: spectral properties
Rep. Math. Phys. 80 (2017), 177-192
[263] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Pseudo-orbit approach to trajectories of resonances in quantum graphs with general
vertex coupling: Fermi rule and high-energy asymptotics
J. Math. Phys. 58 (2017), 042101 (14pp)
arXiv:1608.03978 [math-ph];
[262] A.S. Kostenko, M.M. Malamud, H. Neidhardt, P. Exner:
Infinite quantum graphs (in Russian)
Doklady AN 472 (2017), 253-258
[261] J. Behrndt, P. Exner, M. Holzmann, V. Lotoreichik:
Approximation of Schroedinger operators with delta-interactions supported on hypersurfaces
Math. Nachr. 290 (2017), 1215 1248
[mp_arc 15-120;
arXiv:1512.08658 [math.SP];
[260] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik:
A spectral isoperimetric inequality for cones
Lett. Math. Phys. 107 (2017), 717 732
[mp_arc 15-117;
arXiv:1512.01970 [math.SP];
[259] P. Exner, S. Manko:
Spectral properties of magnetic chain graphs
Ann. H. Poincar 18 (2017), 929-953
[mp_arc 15-61;
arXiv:1507.00608 [math-ph];
[258] P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik, M. Tater:
On resonances and bound states of Smilansky Hamiltonian
Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math. 7 (2016), 789-802
[mp_arc 16-44;
arXiv:1607.00540 [math-ph];
[257] P. Exner, J. Rohleder:
Generalized interactions supported on hypersurfaces
J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 041507 (24pp)
[mp_arc 15-110;
arXiv:1511.06903 [math-ph];
[256] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner, A. Khrabustovskyi, M. Tater:
Spectral analysis of a class of Schr\"odinger operators exhibiting a parameter-dependent spectral transition
J. Phys. A49 (2016), 165302 (19pp)
[mp_arc 15-103;
arXiv:1511.00097 [math-ph];
[255] J. Dittrich, P. Exner, Ch. Kuhn, K. Pankrashkin:
On eigenvalue asymptotics for strong $\delta$-interactions supported by surfaces with boundaries
Asympt. Anal. 97 (2016), 1-25
[mp_arc 15-59;
arXiv:1506.06583 [math-ph];
[254] P. Exner, S. Vugalter:
On the existence of bound states in asymmetric leaky wires
J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016), 022104 (15pp)
[mp_arc 15-38;
arXiv:1505.02347 [math-ph];
[253] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner, H. Kovařík, T. Weidl:
Semiclassical bounds in magnetic bottles
Rev. Math. Phys. 28 (2016), 1650002 (29pp)
[mp_arc 15-06;
arXiv:1501.02950 [math-ph];
[252] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Strong coupling asymptotics for Schroedinger operators with an interaction supported by an open arc in three dimensions
Rep. Math. Phys. 77 (2016), 1-17
[mp_arc 15-63;
arXiv:1507.02123 [math-ph];
[251] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Gap asymptotics in a weakly bent leaky quantum wire
J. Phys. A48 (2015), 495301 (19pp)
[mp_arc 15-60;
arXiv:1506.07309 [math-ph];
[250] P. Exner, S. Manko:
Spectra of magnetic chain graphs: coupling constant perturbations
J. Phys. A48 (2015), 125302 (20pp)
[mp_arc 14-86;
arXiv:1412.6089 [math-ph];
[249] P. Exner:
Functional analysiss
in "Mathematical Tools for Physicists" (2nd ed.; M. Grinfeld, ed.), Wiley, Weinheim 2015; pp. 449-474
[248] P. Exner, A. Khrabustovskyi:
On the spectrum of narrow Neumann waveguide with periodically distributed $\delta'$ traps
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015), 315301 (13pp)
[mp_arc 14-36;
arXiv: 1405.1367 [math.SP];
[247] P. Exner, O. Turek:
Spectrum of a dilated honeycomb network
Integral Equation and Operator Theory 81 (2015), 535-557
[mp_arc 14-34;
arXiv: 1405.0694 [math-ph];
[246] P. Exner, A. Minakov:
Curvature-induced bound states in Robin waveguides and their asymptotical properties
J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 122101 (19pp)
[mp_arc 14-51;
arXiv:1406.7624 [math-ph];
[245] P. Exner, H. Neidhardt, M. Tater, V.A. Zagrebnov:
Non-equilibrium current via geometric scatterers
J. Phys. A47 (2014), 395301 (16pp)
[mp_arc 14-42;
arXiv:1405.4391 [math-ph];
[244] J. Behrndt, P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik:
Schr\"odinger operators with $\delta$-interactions supported on conical surfaces
J. Phys. A47 (2014), 355202 (16pp)
[mp_arc 14-23;
arXiv: 1404.1764 [math.SP];
[243] P. Exner, M. Jex:
Spectral asymptotics of a strong $\delta'$ interaction supported by a surface
Phys. Lett. A378 (2014), 2091-2095
[mp_arc 14-9;
arXiv: 1402.6117 [math-ph];
[242] P. Exner, A. Minakov, L. Parnovski:
Asymptotic eigenvalue estimates for a Robin problem with a large parameter
Portugal. Math. 71 (2014), 141-156
[mp_arc 14-19;
arXiv: 1312.7293 [math-ph];
[241] P. Exner, S. Manko:
Approximations of quantum-graph vertex couplings by singularly scaled rank-one potentials
Lett. Math. Phys. 104 (2014), 1079-1094
[mp_arc 13-84;
arXiv: 1310.5856 [math.SP];
[240] D. Barseghyan, P. Exner:
A regular version of Smilansky model
J. Math. Phys. 55 (2014), 042104 (13pp)
[mp_arc 13-70;
arXiv: 1308.4249 [math-ph];
[239] J. Behrndt, P. Exner, V. Lotoreichik:
Schroedinger operators with delta and delta'-interactions on Lipschitz surfaces and chromatic numbers of associated partitions
Rev. Math. Phys. 26 (2014), 1450015 (43pp)
[mp_arc 13-59;
arXiv: 1307.0074 [math-ph];
[238] P. Exner, Ch. Seifert, P. Stollmann:
Absence of absolutely continuous spectrum for the Kirchhoff Laplacian on radial trees
Ann. H. Poincar 15 (2014), 1109-1121
[mp_arc 13-38;
arXiv: 1305.0656 [math-ph];
[237] P. Exner, A. Laptev, M. Usman:
On some sharp spectral inequalities for Schroedinger operators on semiaxis
Commun. Math. Phys. 326 (2014), 531-541
[mp_arc 13-5;
arXiv: 1301.4986 [math-ph];
[236] P. Exner, D. Barseghyan:
Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacians on perturbed twisted tubes
Operators and Matrices 8 (2014), 167-183
[mp_arc 12-134;
arXiv: 1211.0401 [math-ph];
[235] P. Exner, K. Pankrashkin:
Strong coupling asymptotics for a singular Schr\"odinger operator with an interaction supported by an open arc
Comm. PDE 39 (2014), 193-212
[mp_arc 12-74;
arXiv: 1207.2271 [math-ph];
[234] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Resonances on hedgehog manifolds
Acta Polytechnica 53 (2013), 416-426
[mp_arc 13-11;
arXiv: 1302.5269 [math-ph]]
[233] P. Exner, S. Manko:
Approximations of quantum-graph vertex couplings by singularly scaled potentials
J. Phys. A46 (2013), 345202 (17pp)
[mp_arc 13-50;
arXiv: 1306.0881 [math-ph];
[232] P. Exner, M. Jex:
Spectral asymptotics of a strong $\delta'$ interaction on a planar loop
J. Phys. A46 (2013), 345201 (12pp)
[mp_arc 13-37;
arXiv: 1304.7696 [math-ph];
[231] D. Borisov, P. Exner, A. Golovina:
Tunneling resonances in systems without a classical trapping
J. Math. Phys. 54 (2013), 012102 (19pp)
[mp_arc 12-106;
arXiv: 1210.0449 [math-ph];
[230] P. Exner:
Momentum operators on graphs
in "Spectral Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: A Festschrift in Honor of Fritz Gesztesy's 60th Birthday" (H. Holden, B. Simon, G. Teschl, eds.), Proc. Symp. Pure Math., vol. 87, AMS, Providence, R.I.; pp. 105-118
[mp_arc 12-64;
arXiv: 1205.5941 [math-ph]]
[229] P. Exner, O. Post:
Approximation of quantum graph vertex couplings by scaled Schroedinger operators on thin branched manifolds
Commun. Math. Phys. 322 (2013), 207-227
[mp_arc 12-63;
arXiv: 1205.5129 [math-ph];
[228] P. Exner:
Solvable models of resonances and decays
in Proceedings of the conference "Mathematical Physics, Spectral Theory and Stochastic Analysis" (Goslar 2011; M.Demuth, W. Kirsch, eds.), Birkh user, Basel 2013; pp. 165-227.
[mp_arc 12-46;
arXiv: 1205.0512 [math-ph]]
[227] P. Exner, D. Barseghyan:
Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacians and Schroedinger operators on geometrically nontrivial cusps
J. Spect. Theory 3 (2013), 465-484
[mp_arc 12-32;
arXiv: 1203.2098 [math-ph];
[226] P. Exner:
Decay law regularity
Integral Equations and Operator Theory (2012), 1-2
[225] P. Exner, M. Jex:
On the ground state of quantum graphs with attractive $\delta$-coupling
Phys. Lett. A376 (2012), 713-717
[mp_arc 11-145;
arXiv: 1110.1800 [math-ph];
[224] P. Exner, D. Barseghyan:
Spectral estimates for a class of Schroedinger operators with infinite phase space and potential unbounded from below
J. Phys. A45 (2012), 075204 (14pp)
[mp_arc 11-124;
arXiv: 1109.0168 [math-ph];
[223] T. Cheon, P. Exner, O. Turek:
Inverse scattering problem for quantum graph vertices
Phys. Rev. A83 (2011), 062715 (4pp)
[arXiv: 1104.1048 [quant-ph];
[222] P. Exner:
Vertex couplings in quantum graphs: approximations by scaled Schroedinger operators
Proceedings of the ICM satellite conference "Mathematics in Science and Technology" (New Delhi, August 15-17, 2010; A.H. Siddiqi, R.C. Singh, P. Manchanda, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2011, pp. 71-92
[arXiv: 1011.6019 [quant-ph]]
[221] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Non-Weyl resonance asymptotics for quantum graphs in a magnetic field
Phys. Lett. A375 (2011), 805-807
[mp_arc 10-190;
arXiv: 1011.5761 [math-ph];
[220] P. Exner, P. Seba, D. Vašata:
Built-up structure criticality
Physica A390 (2011), 3922-3931
[arXiv: 1011.2704 [soc-ph];
[219] R. Carlone, P. Exner:
Dynamics of an electron confined to a "hybrid plane" and interacting with a magnetic field
Rep. Math. Phys. 67 (2011), 211-227
[mp_arc 10-158;
arXiv: 1009.5252 [math-ph];
[218] P. Exner, H. Neidhardt, V. Zagrebnov:
Remarks on the Trotter-Kato product formula for unitary groups
Integral Equation and Operator Theory 69 (2011), 451-478
[mp_arc 09-107;
arXiv: 0907.1199 [math-ph];
[217] T. Cheon, P. Exner, O. Turek:
Tripartite connection condition for quantum graph vertex
Phys. Lett. A375 (2010), 113-118
[arXiv: 1009.5216 [quant-ph];
[216] P. Exner, P. Kuchment, B. Winn:
On the location of spectral edges in Z-periodic media
J. Phys. A43 (2010), 474022 (8pp)
[mp_arc 10-86;
arXiv: 1006.3001 [math-ph];
[215] P. Exner, O. Turek:
High-energy asymptotics of the spectrum
of a periodic square-lattice quantum graph
J. Phys. A43 (2010), 474024 (25pp)
[mp_arc 10-83;
arXiv: 1006.1446 [math-ph];
[214] P. Exner, M. Tater:
Spectrum of Dirichlet Laplacian in a conical layer
J. Phys. A43 (2010), 474023 (11pp)
[mp_arc 10-150;
arXiv: 1006.0137 [math-ph];
[213] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
On the absence of absolutely continuous spectra for Schroedinger operators
on radial tree graphs
J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010), 122107 (19pp)
[mp_arc 10-59;
arXiv: 1004.1980 [math-ph];
[212] E.B. Davies, P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Non-Weyl asymptotics for quantum graphs with general coupling conditions
J. Phys. A43 (2010), 474013 (16pp)
[mp_arc 10-58;
arXiv: 1004.0856 [math-ph];
[211] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Resonances from perturbations of quantum graphs with rationally related edges
J. Phys. A43 (2010), 105301 (21pp)
[mp_arc 09-216;
arXiv: 0912.3936 [math-ph];
[210] T. Cheon, P. Exner, O. Turek:
Approximation of a general singular vertex coupling in quantum graphs
Ann. Phys. 325 (2010), 548-578
[mp_arc 09-142;
arXiv: 0908.2679 [quant-ph];
[209] T. Cheon, P. Exner, O. Turek:
Spectral filtering in quantum Y-junction
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 78 (2009), 124004 (7pp)
[arXiv: 0908.3717 [quant-ph];
[208] P. Exner, F. Fraas:
On geometric perturbations of critical Schr dinger operators with a surface interaction
J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009), 112101 (12pp)
[mp_arc 09-7;
arXiv: 0901.1148 [math-ph];
[207] P. Exner, P. Šeba, D. Vašata:
The distribution of landed property
Physica A388 (2009), 4619-4623
[mp_arc 09-5;
arXiv: 0901.0765 [physics.soc-ph];
[206] P. Exner, O. Post:
Approximation of quantum graph vertex couplings by scaled Schroedinger operators on thin branched manifolds
J. Phys. A42 (2009), 415305 (22pp)
[mp_arc 08-220;
arXiv: 0811.3707 [math-ph];
[205] P. Duclos, P. Exner, O. Turek:
On the spectrum of a bent chain graph
J. Phys. A41 (2008), 415206 (18pp)
[mp_arc 08-136;
arXiv: 0807.1419 [math-ph];
[204] P. Exner, M. Fraas:
Interlaced dense point and absolutely continuous spectra for Hamiltonians with concentric-shell singular interactions
Proceedings of the QMath10 Conference (Moeciu 2007), World Scientific, Singapore 2008; pp. 48-65
[mp_arc 08-19;
arXiv: 0801.4306 [math-ph]]
[203] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Hiatus perturbation for a singular Schr\"odinger operator with an interaction supported by a curve in $\mathbb{R}^3$
J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008), 032111 (19pp)
[mp_arc 07-301;
arXiv: 0712.0313 [math-ph];
[202] P. Exner, A. Mantile:
On the optimization of the principal eigenvalue for single-centre
point-interaction operators in a bounded region
J. Phys. A41 (2008), 065305 (15pp)
[mp_arc 07-297;
arXiv: 0711.4247 [math-ph];
[201] P. Exner, P. Šeba:
A Markov process associated with plot-size distribution in
Czech Land Registry and its number-theoretic properties
J. Phys. A41 (2008), 045004 (7pp)
[arXiv: 0711.1836 [physics.soc-ph];
[200] P. Exner:
Leaky quantum graphs: a review
in Proceedings of the INI programme "Analysis on Graphs and Applications"
(Cambridge 2007), AMS "Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics"
Series, vol. 77, Providence, R.I., 2008; pp. 523-564.
[mp_arc 07-261;
arXiv: 0710.5903 [math-ph]]
[199] P. Exner, O. Post:
Quantum networks modelled by graphs
Proceedings of the Joint Mathematics/Physics Workshop "Quantum
Few-Body System" (Aarhus 2007), AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 998; Melville, NY, 2008, pp. 1-17.
[arXiv: 0706.0481 [math-ph]]
[198] P. Exner, P. Šeba:
A ``hybrid plane'' with spin-orbit interaction
Russian J. Math. Phys. 14 (2007), 430-434
[mp_arc 07-121;
arXiv: 0705.2487 [math-ph];
[197] P. Exner, F. Fraas:
On the dense point and absolutely continuous spectrum for Hamiltonians with
concentric $\delta$ shells
Lett. Math. Phys. 82 (2007), 25-37
[mp_arc 07-117;
arXiv: 0705.1407 [math-ph];
[196] C. Cacciapuoti, P. Exner:
Nontrivial edge coupling from a Dirichlet network squeezing: the case of a bent waveguide
J. Phys. A40 (2007), F511-F523
[mp_arc 07-99;
arXiv: 0704.2912 [math-ph];
[195] P. Exner, F. Fraas:
A remark on helical waveguides
Phys. Lett. A369 (2007), 393-399
[mp_arc 07-96;
arXiv: 0704.2770 [quant-ph];
[194] P. Exner, O. Turek:
Approximations of singular vertex couplings in quantum graphs
Rev. Math. Phys. 19 (2007), 571-606
[mp_arc 07-62;
[193] P. Exner, F. Fraas, E.M. Harrell:
On the critical exponent in an isoperimetric inequality for chords
Phys. Let. A368 (2007), 1-6
[mp_arc 07-53;
[192] P. Exner, O. Post:
Convergence of resonances on thin branched quantum wave guides
J. Math. Phys. 48 (2007), 092104 (43pp)
[mp_arc 07-46;
[191] P. Exner, M. Helm, P. Stollmann:
Localization on a quantum graph with a random potential on the edges
Rev. Math. Phys. 19 (2007), 923-939
[mp_arc 06-371;
[190] P. Exner:
Unstable system dynamics: do we understand it fully?
Rep. Math. Phys. 59 (2007), 351-363
[189] P. Exner, J. Lipovský:
Equivalence of resolvent and scattering resonances on quantum graphs
in "Adventures in Mathematical Physics" (Proceedings, Cergy-Pontoise 2006), AMS "Contemporary Mathematics"
Series, vol. 447, Providence, R.I., 2007; pp. 73-81.
[mp_arc 06-302;
[188] P. Exner, R. Frank:
Absolute continuity of the spectrum for periodically modulated leaky wires in R^3
Ann. H. Poincar 8 (2007), 241-263
[mp_arc 05-290;
[187] P. Exner, T. Ichinose, H. Neidhardt, V. Zagrebnov:
Zeno product formula revisited
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 57 (2007), 67-81
[mp_arc 06-73;
[186] P. Exner, T. Ichinose, S. Kondej:
On relations between stable and Zeno dynamics in a leaky graph decay model
Proceedings of
the Conference "Operator Theory and Mathematical Physics"
(Bedlewo 2004); Operator Theory: Advances and
Applications, vol.174, Birkhauser, Basel 2007; pp.21-34.
[185] P. Exner, M. Fraas:
The decay law can have an irregular character
J. Phys. A40 (2007), 1333-1340
[184] D. Borisov, P. Exner:
Distant perturbation asymptotics in window-coupled waveguides.
I. The non-threshold case
J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006), 113502 (24pp)
[mp_arc 06-177;
[183] P. Exner, M. Fraas:
Resonance asymptotics in the generalized Winter model
Phys. Lett. A360 (2006), 57-61
[182] P. Exner:
Point interaction polygons: an isoperimetric problem
Proceedings of the QMath9 "Mathematical Physics of Quantum Mechanics" at Giens 1984, Springer lecture Notes in Physics (J. Asch, A. Joye, eds.), vol. 690, Springer 2006; pp. 55-64.
[181] P. Exner:
Necklaces with interacting beads: isoperimetric problems
Proceedings of the UAB05 Conference on Differential Equations
and Mathematical Physics at Birmingham, AMS "Contemporary Mathematics"
Series, vol. 412, Providence, R.I., 2006; pp. 141-149.
[mp_arc 05-299;
[180] P. Exner, E.M. Harrell, M. Loss:
Inequalities for means of chords, with application to isoperimetric problems
Lett. Math. Phys. 75 (2006), 225-233
[mp_arc 05-300;
addendum 77 (2006), 219 [doi]
[179] P. Exner, P. Hejčík, P. Šeba:
Approximations by graphs and emergence of global structures
Rep. Math. Phys. 57 (2006), 445-455
[178] P. Exner, O. Turek:
Approximations of permutation-symmetric vertex couplings in quantum graphs
Proceedings of the Conference "Quantum Graphs and Their Applications" (Snowbird 2005);
AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 415, Providence, R.I., 2006; pp. 109-120
[mp_arc 05-284;
[177] P. Exner, H. Kovařík:
Spectrum of the Schroedinger operator in a perturbed
periodically twisted tube
Lett. Math. Phys. 73 (2005), 183-192
[mp_arc 05-168;
[176] P. Exner:
Sufficient conditions for the anti-Zeno effect
J. Phys. A38 (2005), L449-454
[mp_arc 05-180;
[175] P. Exner:
An isoperimetric problem for leaky loops and related
mean-chord inequalities
J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005), 062105 (10pp)
[mp_arc 05-34;
[174] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Scattering by local deformations of a straight leaky wire
J. Phys. A38 (2005), 4865-4874
[mp_arc 04-317;
[173] P. Exner, V.A. Zagrebnov:
Bose-Einstein condensation in geometrically deformed tubes
J. Phys. A38 (2005), L463-470
[172] P. Exner:
Seize ans apres
An appendix to the 2nd edition
of the monograph Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics by
S. Albeverio, G. Gesztesy, R. Hoegh-Krohn and H. Holden, AMS
Chelsea Series, vol. 350; Providence, R.I., 2005; pp. 453-484
[publisher information]
[171] P. Exner:
An isoperimetric problem for point interactions
J. Phys. A38 (2005), 4795-4802
[mp_arc 04-184;
[170] P. Exner, T. Ichinose:
A product formula related to quantum Zeno dynamics
Ann. H. Poincar 6 (2005), 195-215
[mp_arc 04-331;
[169] P. Exner, O. Post:
Convergence of spectra of graph-like thin manifolds
J. Geom. Phys. 54 (2005), 77-115
[mp_arc 03-533;
[168] P. Exner, H. Linde, T. Weidl:
Lieb-Thirring inequalities for geometrically induced bound states
Lett. Math. Phys. 70 (2004), 83-95
[mp_arc 04-156;
[167] T. Cheon, P. Exner:
An approximation to delta' couplings on graphs
J. Phys. A37 (2004), L329-335
[mp_arc 04-127;
[166] I. Catto, P. Exner, Ch. Hainzl:
Enhanced binding revisited for a spinless particle in
non-relativistic QED
J. Math. Phys. 45 (2004), 4174-4185
[mp_arc 04-73;
[165] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Schroedinger operators with singular interactions:
a model of tunneling resonances
J. Phys. A37 (2004), 8255-8277
[mp_arc 03-548;
[164] D. Borisov, P. Exner:
Exponential splitting of bound states in
a waveguide with a pair of distant windows
J. Phys. A37 (2004), 3411-3428
[mp_arc 03-525;
[163] P. Exner, P. Freitas, D. Krejčiřík:
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved tubes
Proc. Roy. Soc. A460 (2004), 3457-3467
[mp_arc 04-152;
[162] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Leaky quantum wire and dots: a resonance model
Proceedings of the XIV International Congress on
Mathematical Physics (Lisbon 2003), World Scientific, Singapore 2005; pp. 593-600.
[mp_arc 03-329;
[161] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Strong-coupling asymptotic expansion for Schroedinger operators with
a singular interaction supported by a curve in R^3
Rev. Math. Phys. 16 (2004), 559-582
[mp_arc 03-110;
[160] P. Exner, M. Tater:
Spectra of soft ring graphs
Waves in Random Media, 14 (2004), S47-60
[mp_arc 03-88;
[159] G. Carron, P. Exner, D. Krejčiřík:
Topologically non-trivial quantum layers
J. Math. Phys. 45 (2004), 774-784
[mp_arc 03-51;
[158] J. Dittrich, P. Exner, M. Hirokawa:
A model of interband radiative transition
J. Math. Soc. Japan 56 (2004), 753-786
[mp_arc 00-442;
[157] P. Exner:
Spectral properties of Schroedinger operators
with a strongly attractive delta interaction supported by a
Proceedings of the NSF Summer Research Conference (Mt.
Holyoke 2002); AMS "Contemporary Mathematics" Series, vol. 339,
Providence, R.I., 2003; pp. 25-36
[mp_arc 03-17;
[156] F. Bentosela, P. Duclos, P. Exner:
Absolute continuity in periodic thin tubes and strongly
coupled leaky wires
Lett. Math. Phys. 65 (2003), 75-82
[mp_arc 03-325;
[155] P. Exner, K. Němcová:
Leaky quantum graphs: approximations by point interaction
J. Phys. A36 (2003), 10173-10193
[mp_arc 03-275;
[154] P. Exner, K. Yoshitomi:
Eigenvalue asymptotics for the Schroedinger operator
with a delta-interaction on a punctured surface
Lett. Math. Phys. 65 (2003), 19-26
[mp_arc 03-144;
erratum 67 (2004), 81-82
[153] P. Exner, K. Němcová:
Magnetic layers with periodic point perturbations
Rep. Math. Phys. 52 (2003), 255-280
[mp_arc 02-524;
[152] J. Bruening, P. Exner, V.A. Geyler:
Large gaps in point-coupled periodic systems of manifolds
J. Phys. A36 (2003), 4875-4890
[mp_arc 02-523;
[151] T. Cheon, P. Exner, P. Šeba:
Extended standard map with spatio-temporal asymmetry
J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 72 (2003), 1087-1091
[150] T. Cheon, P. Exner:
Persistent currents due to point obstacles
Phys. Lett. A307 (2003), 209-214
[149] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Bound states due to a strong delta interaction
supported by a curved surface
J. Phys. A36 (2003), 443-457
[mp_arc 02-461;
[148] E.N. Bulgakov, P. Exner, K.N. Pichugin,
A.F. Sadreev:
Multiple bound states in scissor-shaped waveguides
Phys. Rev. B66 (2002), 155109 (7pp)
[147] D. Borisov, P. Exner, R. Gadyľshin:
Geometric coupling thresholds in a two-dimensional strip
J. Math. Phys. 43 (2002), 6265-6278
[mp_arc 02-268;
[146] P. Exner, S. Kondej:
Curvature-induced bound states for a delta interaction
supported by a curve in R^3
Ann. H. Poincar 3 (2002), 967-981
[mp_arc 02-133;
[145] P. Exner, K. Yoshitomi:
Persistent currents for 2D Schroedinger operator
with a strong delta-interaction on a loop
J. Phys. A35 (2002), 3479-3487
[mp_arc 02-13;
[144] P. Exner, P. Šťovíček, P. Vytřas:
Generalised boundary conditions for the Aharonov-Bohm effect combined
with a homogeneous magnetic field
J. Math. Phys. 43 (2002), 2151-2168
[mp_arc 01-415;
[143] P. Exner, K. Němcová:
Quantum mechanics of layers with a finite number of
point perturbations
J. Math. Phys. 43 (2002), 1152-1184
[mp_arc 01-109;
[142] P. Exner, K. Yoshitomi:
Asymptotics of eigenvalues of the Schroedinger operator with
a strong delta-interaction on a loop
J. Geom. Phys. 41 (2002), 344-358
[mp_arc 01-108;
[141] P. Exner, K. Yoshitomi:
Band gap of the Schroedinger operator with a strong
delta-interaction on a periodic curve
Ann. H. Poincar 2 (2001), 1139-1158
[mp_arc 01-226;
[140] P. Exner, K. Němcová:
Bound states in point-interaction star graphs
J. Phys. A34 (2001), 7783-7794
[mp_arc 01-213;
[139] P. Exner, A. Joye, H. Kovařík:
Magnetic transport in a straight parabolic channel
J. Phys. A34 (2001), 9733-9752
[mp_arc 01-111;
[138] P. Exner, D. Krejčiřík:
Bound states in mildly curved layers
J. Phys. A34 (2001), 5969-5985
[mp_arc 01-110;
[137] P. Duclos, P. Exner, D. Krejčiřík:
Bound states in curved quantum layers
Commun. Math. Phys. 223 (2001), 13-28
[mp_arc 01-79;
[136] P. Exner, H. Neidhardt, V. Zagrebnov:
Potential approximations to delta': an inverse Klauder phenomenon
with norm-resolvent convergence
Commun. Math. Phys. 224 (2001), 593-612
[mp_arc 01-107;
[135] P. Exner, T. Ichinose:
Geometrically induced spectrum in curved leaky wires
J. Phys. A34 (2001), 1439-1450
[mp_arc 00-447;
[134] P. Exner:
Bound states of infinite curved polymer chains
Lett. Math. Phys. 57 (2001), 87-96
[mp_arc 00-421;
[133] P. Exner, A. Joye:
Avoided crossings in mesoscopic systems: electron propagation on a
non-uniform magnetic cylinder
J. Math. Phys. 42 (2001), 4707-4738
[mp_arc 00-419;
[132] D. Borisov, P. Exner, R. Gadyľshin, D. Krejčiřík:
Bound states in weakly deformed strips and layers
Ann. H. Poincar 2 (2001), 553-572
[mp_arc 00-473;
[131] P. Exner, M. Tater, D. Vaněk:
A single-mode quantum transport in serial-structure geometric scatterers
J. Math. Phys. 42 (2001), 4050-4078
[mp_arc 01-101;
[130] P. Exner, T. Weidl:
Lieb-Thirring inequalities on trapped modes in quantum wires
Proceedings of the XIII International
Congress on Mathematical Physics (London 2000), International Press of
Boston, 2001; pp.437-443
[mp_arc 00-336]
[129] S.A. Albeverio, P. Exner, V.A. Geyler:
Geometric phase related to point-interaction transport on a
magnetic Lobachevsky plane
Lett. Math. Phys. 55 (2001), 9-16
[mp_arc 00-320;
[128] P. Duclos, P. Exner, B. Meller:
Resonances from perturbed symmetry in open quantum dots
Rep. Math. Phys. 47 (2001), 253-267
[mp_arc 00-279;
[127] P. Šeba, P. Exner, K.N. Pichugin,
A. Vyhnal, P. Středa:
Two-component interference effect: model of a spin-polarized
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001), 1598-1601
[126] P. Exner, D. Krejčiřík:
Waveguides coupled through a semitransparent barrier:
a Birman-Schwinger analysis
Rev. Math. Phys. 13 (2001), 307-334
[mp_arc 00-248;
[125] P. Exner, V.A. Geyler:
Berry phase for a potential well transported in a homogeneous
magnetic field
Phys. Lett. A276 (2000), 16-18
[mp_arc 00-218;
[124] T. Cheon, P. Exner, P. Šeba:
Wave function shredding by sparse quantum barriers
Phys. Lett. A277 (2000), 1-6
[123] P. Exner, V.A. Geyler:
Berry phase in magnetic systems with point interactions
J. Geom. Phys. 36 (2000), 178-197
[mp_arc 99-431;
[122] P. Exner, H. Kovařík:
Magnetic strip waveguides
J. Phys. A33 (2000), 3297-3311
[mp_arc 99-399;
[121] P. Exner, H. Grosse:
Some properties of the one-dimensional
generalized point interactions (a torso)
[mp_arc 99-390;
[120] P. Duclos, P. Exner, D. Krejčiřík:
Locally curved quantum layers
Ukrainian J. Phys., 45 (2000), 595-601
[mp_arc 99-376;
[119] P. Exner, M. Hirokawa, O. Ogurisu:
Anomalous Pauli electron states for magnetic fields with tails
Lett. Math. Phys. 50 (1999), 103-114
[mp_arc 00-67;
[118] P. Exner:
Point interaction in a tube
in "Stochastic Processes: Physics and Geometry: New
Interplayes II" (A volume in honor of S. Albeverio; F. Gesztesy et al.,
eds.); CMS Conference Proceedings, vol.29, Providence, R.I. 2000; pp. 165-174.
[mp_arc 99-301;
[117] P. Exner, A. Joye , H. Kovařík:
Edge currents in the absence of edges
Phys. Lett. A264 (1999), 124-130
[mp_arc 99-299;
[116] P. Exner, D. Krejčiřík:
Quantum waveguides with a lateral semitransparent barrier:
spectral and scattering properties
J. Phys. A32 (1999), 4475-4494
[mp_arc 99-124;
[115] F. Bentosela, R.M. Cavalcanti, P. Exner,
V.A. Zagrebnov:
Anomalous electron trapping by localized magnetic fields
J. Phys. A32 (1999), 3029-3039
[mp_arc 99-56;
[114] P. Exner, S.A. Vugalter:
On the number of particles that a curved quantum waveguide can bind
J. Math. Phys. 40 (1999), 4630-4638
[mp_arc 98-8;
[113] P. Exner, E.M. Harrell, M. Loss:
Optimal eigenvalues for some Laplacians and Schroedinger
operators depending on curvature
Proceedings of QMath7 (Prague 1998); Birkhauser series "Operator
Theory: Advances and Applications"; pp. 47-58
[mp_arc 99-32;
[112] F. Bentosela, P. Exner, V.A. Zagrebnov:
Anomalous electron trapping by magnetic flux tubes and
electric current vortices
Proceedings of QMath7 (Prague 1998); Birkhauser series "Operator
Theory: Advances and Applications"; pp. 191-196
[mp_arc 98-729;
[111] J. Asch, P. Duclos, P. Exner:
Stability of
driven systems with growing gaps. Quantum rings and Wannier ladders
J. Stat. Phys. 92 (1998), 1053-1069
[mp_arc 98-539;
[110] P. Exner, P. Šeba:
Probability current tornado loops in three-dimensional scattering
Phys. Lett. A245 (1998), 35-39
[109] F. Bentosela, P. Exner, V.A. Zagrebnov:
Electron trapping by a current vortex
J. Phys. A31 (1998), L305-311
[108] P. Exner, A.F. Sadreev, P. Šeba,
P. Feher, P. Středa:
Strength of topologically induced magnetic moments in
a quantum device
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998), 1710-1713
[107] P. Duclos, P. Exner, B. Meller:
Exponential bounds on curvature-induced resonances in a
two-dimensional Dirichlet tube
Helv. Phys. Acta 71 (1998), 133-162
[mp_arc 97-482;
[106] P. Exner, M. Tater:
Evanescent modes in multiple scattering factorization
Czech. J. Phys 48 (1998), 617-624
[105] F. Bentosela, P. Exner, V.A. Zagrebnov:
A mechanism of porous silicon luminiscence
Phys. Rev. B57 (1998), 1382-1385
[104] P. Exner, S.A. Vugalter:
Bound-state asymptotic estimates for window-coupled
Dirichlet strips and layers
J. Phys A30 (1997), 7863-7878
[mp_arc 97-523;
[103] J. Asch, P. Duclos, P. Exner:
Stark-Wannier Hamiltonians with pure point spectrum
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