SLOWDOWN 2.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT IS SLOWDOWN? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 HOW TO USE SLOWDOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 to control how fast you want the computer to run . . . . . . . . 7 MHz:nn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Percent:nn.nn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 XTSpeed [:speed] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ATSpeed [:speed] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 RememberSpeed [:speed] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Speed:nn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Slowdown-factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CPU Speed Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 to run a single PROGRAM "slowly" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 {Program} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 to configure and control the Hot-Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 HotKeyShiftMask:shift-mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 EnableHotKeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 DisableHotKeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 miscellaneous (housekeeping) Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Quiet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Verbose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Uninstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 THE SLOWDOWN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ERRORLEVELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 HOT-KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SLOWDOWN AND WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 HOW SLOWDOWN WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 THE DOS EXEC FUNCTION AND COMMAND.COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 THE IBM INTERRUPT SHARING PROTOCOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 A WORD FROM THE SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 OTHER PROGRAMS BY BRET JOHNSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 1 of 44 REVISION HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 2 of 44 WHAT IS SLOWDOWN? ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SLOWDOWN is a program that temporarily Slows Down your computer, so that it runs like one of the older, slower computers. Of course, nowadays people generally think that the faster a computer runs, the better -- why would anyone ever want to slow a computer down? Believe it or not, there are a some really good reasons. The first reason is that there are many very good, useful (old) programs that were designed to run on these old, slow computers, and they do not run correctly on a newer, faster computer. The old programs either don't run at all (they "blow up" -- the computer either totally locks up or you get a "Run-time Error" of some sort), or they run in such a way that you can't use them. When I first wrote SLOWDOWN (many years ago), about the only kinds of programs that really seemed to have problems were ones that required lots of "real-time" interaction with the user (like arcade-type games). In my opinion, any program that requires such "real-time" interaction should be designed to run on any computer, no matter how fast (or how slow) it is. Unfortunately, very few programs are actually designed that way. Nowadays, especially with the really fast computers, there are lots of different types of programs that have problems with fast computers (not just games). I've personally seen or heard of different typing tutors, communications, network, database, and copy-protection programs that have problems on new computers. I'm sure there is at least one program in just about any software category you could name that would either blow up or be unusable on one of the latest computers. You can't even buy the old, slow computers anymore, but with SLOWDOWN you may still be able to use the programs. The second reason you may want to temporarily slow down your computer is when you are trying troubleshoot something that is going wrong with another program. Sometimes, you know something is wrong, but things happen so fast you can't tell exactly what or even where the problem is (especially if error messages or status messages that flash by on the screen so fast you can't read them). With SLOWDOWN, you may actually be able to see what's on the screen before it disappears again. While SLOWDOWN is installed in memory, you are able to change the Speed of the computer with the keyboard using Hot-Keys (these are discussed in detail in the "HOT-KEYS" section below, page 28). This lets you control exactly when and how fast your computer runs. There are also several different ways of telling SLOWDOWN how fast you want your computer to run from the command-line (the different ways are discussed in the "OPTIONS" section below, starting on page 6). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 3 of 44 There are dozens of other "slowdown" programs already out there, so what makes SLOWDOWN different enough from the others that I even bothered to write it? The main thing is flexibility -- SCANCODE includes in one program features that you may find sporadically in other "slowdown" programs, but never all together in one place. SLOWDOWN is also very small (it uses less than 2000 bytes of memory), and, perhaps most importantly, is free. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 4 of 44 HOW TO USE SLOWDOWN ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SLOWDOWN can be used in two basic ways. The first way is to install SLOWDOWN "permanently" as a Terminate-but-Stay-Resident (TSR) program on your computer. If you do this, the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys will be available for you to use almost any time you want (see the "HOT-KEYS" section below on page 28). You can instantly Slow Down or speed up your computer using the keyboard, even while other programs are running. This gives you much more control of your computer than you have now. To have SLOWDOWN be "permanent" like this, you should make sure it is installed every time you turn your computer on. You can do this by putting a simple "SLOWDOWN" line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. A "SLOWDOWN" line (with no Options) will install SLOWDOWN into memory, but SLOWDOWN will not do anything to change the speed of your computer yet. You can then "activate" and "deactivate" SLOWDOWN when you want, either by using the HOT-KEYS, or by running SLOWDOWN again with command-line Options. SLOWDOWN will never install itself into memory more than once, so if you do try to run it more than once, it will simply update (change the settings of) the SLOWDOWN that is already in memory. When installed as a TSR, SLOWDOWN uses less than 2K of memory. This is not a lot of memory, but then again computer memory is quite precious. You can use the DOS LH or LOADHI commands to load SCANCODE into High Memory (this will preserve more memory for your "normal" applications). You can also Uninstall SLOWDOWN from memory completely with the UNINSTALL Option (page 24). Of course, many people would rather have the computer simply run as fast as it can nearly all of the time. You may only have a few programs that require the use of SLOWDOWN, you don't want the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys cluttering things up and confusing you, and you don't want SLOWDOWN wasting any of your memory at times when it's not actually doing something. You can also have SLOWDOWN Slow a single Program Down, and when that Program is finished, your computer will automatically return back to normal speed. How to do this is discussed more fully under the PROGRAM Option below (page 16). SLOWDOWN is a DOS program, and, as with nearly all DOS programs, the easiest and best way to use it is in DOS batch files. If you use any DOS programs at all (including most versions of Microsoft Windows, which are nothing more than large, slow DOS programs themselves anyway), you really need to learn to write and use batch files. It will save you literally hours of unnecessary work and frustration in the years to come. There are some example batch file excerpts given in the sections below. Once you figure out the settings you need to get SLOWDOWN to work with a particular program, for heaven's sake, write yourself a batch file to automate the process for you the next time. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 5 of 44 OPTIONS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ NOTE: As of version 2.00, some of the SLOWDOWN Options work quite differently than they did in previous versions. If you have used a previous version of SLOWDOWN, and have created batch files or environment variables using the previous version of SLOWDOWN, you will probably need to go back and modify them. SLOWDOWN is fairly liberal in what it will accept as command-line Options. Each Option must be entered separately, must start with a "/" (except the PROGRAM Option), and can either be upper- or lower-case. The Options do not need to be separated by spaces (except the PROGRAM Option), and can be entered in any order (except the PROGRAM Option, which must be last). If the same Option is entered twice with two different settings, or conflicting Options are entered, the last one entered takes precedence. Options that require a number or character to be entered as part of the Option (indicated by a ":" separator in the Option details below) can either use a ":" or "=" as the separator. Note also that there are usually several different ways to enter the same Option. For example, to have SLOWDOWN be QUIET (not give you any status messages as it is loading), you could type any of the following from the command line (or from a batch file): SLOWDOWN /Q SLOWDOWN /Quiet SLOWDOWN /ShutUp Most of the Options have a "shorthand" code ("/Q" in this case) and one or more "longhand" codes ("/Quiet" and "/ShutUp" in this example). The shorthand codes take up less room and are faster and easier to type, but the longhand codes are easier to remember and to read and to understand. You can use whichever makes the most sense to you. For instance, the following are equivalent: SLOWDOWN /Quiet/Speed=1000 PROGRAM ProgramOptions SLOWDOWN /Q /s:1000 PROGRAM ProgramOptions The PROGRAM Option, if you have one, must be the last thing entered on the command-line. The PROGRAM Option allows you to run a single executable PROGRAM (here called "PROGRAM ProgramOptions"), and after the PROGRAM is done, SLOWDOWN will automatically return the computer back to the Speed it was running before you started running PROGRAM. The PROGRAM Option is discussed more fully below (page 16). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 6 of 44 There are several Options to control how fast you want the computer to run. Each of the "speed control" Options has a wide range of input values. At one end of the range of values, you will be telling SLOWDOWN to slow down the computer as much as it can. If you select this value, SLOWDOWN will run the computer as slow as it believes it can safely do. SLOWDOWN should not stop the computer completely, but the computer will run VERY slowly and may even seem like it is completely stopped. At the other end of the range of values, you will be telling SLOWDOWN to run the computer faster than it can possibly go. In this case, SLOWDOWN will not Slow Down the computer at all. Exactly what value you use to tell SLOWDOWN how much to slow the computer down depends on which "speed control" Option you decide to use. This should become obvious as you read the details for each Option. Some of the "speed control" Options also refer to a thing called a Slowdown-Unit (or an SU). This is a Unit of Speed that SLOWDOWN uses internally, both to measure how fast the computer is and to Slow the computer Down. Slowdown-Units are unique to SLOWDOWN, and exactly what they are is described below in "HOW SLOWDOWN WORKS" (page 33). When you see the references to Slowdown-Units or SU's, just remember that they are the "things" SLOWDOWN uses internally to measure Speed. * /M:nn * /MHz:nn /MHz486:nn This Option tells SLOWDOWN to run your computer at approximately the same speed as a computer with a nn-MHz 80486 (or Pentium- something) CPU. Then "nn" (the number of MHz) must be a number between 0 and 5000. A MHz value of 0 runs the computer as slow as is safe, and a MHz value that is at least as large as your computer is capable of will not Slow the computer Down at all. In testing with SLOWDOWN, I have discovered that the only thing that really affects Speed significantly (at least for DOS programs) on new computers is how many MHz the CPU is running at. It really doesn't matter whether the CPU is an 80486 or the latest version of Pentium-something (though the AMD chips are quite a bit faster than the equivalent Intel chips). If Intel made a 350-MHz 80486, it would run at almost exactly the same speed as a Pentium-2 running at 350-MHz (of course, Intel stopped making 80486's a long time before CPU speeds even got close to 350-MHz). For CPU's previous to the 80486 (80386, 80286, 80186, 8086, or 8088), the type of CPU as well as the CPU MHz both affect the speed. There is a comparison of some CPU Speeds you can see with the TABLE Option described below (page 13). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 7 of 44 * /P:nn.nn * /Percent:nn.nn /Pct:nn.nn This Option tells SLOWDOWN to run the computer at approximately Nn.nn% (PERCENT) of normal speed. The Nn.nn must be a number between 0.00 and 100.00, and can include precision down the 1/100 of a percent (up to two numerals after the decimal point). For instance, the following are acceptable percentage values to use: 0 10 00010.0 0.13 .13 50.4 75.04 100 99.99 100.00 The following percentage values would cause errors: -1 Can't be less than 0 100.01 Can't be more than 100 0.345 Can't have more than 2 numerals after the decimal point A PERCENT of 0 slows the computer down as much as is safe, and a PERCENT of 100 does not Slow the computer Down at all. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 8 of 44 * /X [:speed] * /XTSpeed [:speed] /XTSpd [:speed] /XT [:speed] * /XSpeed [:speed] /XSpd [:speed] This is sort of like two Options in one. If you simply do the "/X" (or "/XT" or "XTSpeed" or ...), you are telling SLOWDOWN to run the computer at approximately the same speed as an IBM PC/XT (a computer with a 4.77-MHz 8088 CPU). If you enter the ":speed" part of the Option (for example, "SLOWDOWN /X:100"), you are telling SLOWDOWN to change how fast it thinks an XT is. If there, the "speed" part of the Option must be a number between 0 and 65535, and is the number of Slowdown-Units (SU's) you want SLOWDOWN to assume an XT is. See the section below, "HOW SLOWDOWN WORKS" (page 33), for a detailed explanation of Slowdown-Units. I have actually measured a computer with a 4.77-MHz 8088 CPU, and have found the Speed to be 12 SU's (this is also detailed in the TABLE Option below on page 13). For whatever reason, you may not agree with this. Perhaps, for some reason, on your computer, you think a Speed of 20 is more like what an XT is really like. To change the SLOWDOWN XT-Speed to 20 Slowdown-Units, you would do a: SLOWDOWN /XT:20 As long as SLOWDOWN is not UNINSTALLed from memory (see page 24), SLOWDOWN will continue to remember the XT-Speed that you told it. Then, when you tell SLOWDOWN to run the computer at the same Speed as an XT (either with the plain XT command-line Option or by using the Hot-Keys described below on page 28), SLOWDOWN will use the XT- Speed you told it to use, instead of using the default value of 12 SU's. See "THE SLOWDOWN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE" below (page 25) for details on how you can make the XT-Speed change truly "permanent", even if you UNINSTALL SLOWDOWN from memory. It's important to note that there are really two different Options described here. One Option (the one with the ":speed" part) simply tells SLOWDOWN what the XT-Speed should be, but does not actually change the speed of the computer. The other Option (the one without the ":speed" part) is the one that will actually change the speed of the computer. If you want to have SLOWDOWN both change the XT-Speed and to start running the computer at that XT-Speed at the same time, you will need to enter both Options. For example: SLOWDOWN /XTSpeed=20 /XTSpeed SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 9 of 44 * /A [:speed] * /ATSpeed [:speed] /ATSpd [:speed] /AT [:speed] * /ASpeed [:speed] /ASpd [:speed] This Option is very similar to the XT Option described directly above (page 9). However, the XT Option above is based on the IBM PC/XT (4.77-MHz 8088 CPU), while this AT Option is based on the IBM PC/AT (8-MHz 80286 CPU). Read the XT Option above if you want full details on exactly how this Option works. This AT Option tells SLOWDOWN to run the computer the same Speed as an IBM PC/AT (with an 8-MHz 80286 CPU). If you enter the ":speed" part of the Option, you are telling SLOWDOWN to use the Speed you give it (in SU's) as the AT-Speed, instead of using the default (measured) AT-Speed of 54 SU's. "Speed" can be a number between 0 and 65535. Again, read the details of the XT Option (directly above, page 9), and replace "XT" with "AT" when appropriate. * /R [:speed] * /RememberSpeed [:speed] /RememberSpd [:speed] /Remember [:speed] * /RemSpeed [:speed] /RemSpd [:speed] /Rem [:speed] This Option is very similar to both the XT Option (above, page 9) and the AT Option (also above, page 10). Read the XT Option above if you want full details on exactly how this Option works. While the XT and AT Options are based on specific models of computer (the IBM PC/XT and the IBM PC/AT, respectively), this REMEMBER Option can be based on anything you want it to be. It is simply a particular Speed you want SLOWDOWN to REMEMBER for some reason, and want to easily have SLOWDOWN start running the computer at that Speed. You can use SLOWDOWN's HOT-KEYS (see page 28 below) to "switch" the computer to the REMEMBER-Speed (and also to set a new REMEMBER-Speed), which is probably the best way to use the REMEMBER Option. See the HOT-KEYS section below (page 28) for details on this. By default, the REMEMBER-Speed is set at 65535 Slowdown-Units, which means that it will not slow the computer down at all. If you enter the ":speed" part of the Option, you are telling SLOWDOWN to use the Speed you give it (in SU's) as the REMEMBER-Speed, instead of using the default REMEMBER-Speed of 65535 SU's. "Speed" must be a number between 0 and 65535. Again, read the details of the XT Option (above, page 9), and replace "XT" with "REMEMBER-Speed" when appropriate. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 10 of 44 * /S:nn * /Speed:nn /Spd:nn * /Slowdown-factor There are actually two Options described here, the SPEED Option (/S:nn, /Spd:nn, or /Speed:nn) and the SLOWDOWN-FACTOR Option (/Slowdown-factor). Although they are in a sense "opposites" of each other, they are also very similar to each other. Therefore, I'm going to describe them together. With the SPEED Option, you are telling SLOWDOWN how fast you want the computer to be (in Slowdown-Units or SU's) after it gets done Slowing the computer Down (and SLOWDOWN will calculate how much to Slow the computer Down to make that happen). With the SLOWDOWN- FACTOR Option, you are telling SLOWDOWN how many SU's to Slow the computer Down by (and SLOWDOWN will leave however many SU's the computer has left for the other programs to use). The "nn" in the SPEED Option, and the "Slowdown-factor" in the SLOWDOWN-FACTOR Option, must be a number between 0 and 65535, and is the number of Slowdown-Units (SU's) to "leave" (in the SPEED Option) or to "waste" (in the SLOWDOWN-FACTOR Option). In the SPEED Option, the larger the number of SU's, the faster the computer will run. In the SLOWDOWN-FACTOR Option, the larger the number of SU's, the slower the computer will run. A SPEED of 0 SU's will slow the computer down as much as is safe, and a SPEED at least as large as the computer is capable of running will not Slow it Down at all. A SLOWDOWN-FACTOR of 0 SU's will not Slow the computer Down at all, and a SLOWDOWN-FACTOR at least as large as your computer is capable of will Slow the computer Down as much as is safe. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 11 of 44 A SlowDown-Unit (SU) is something unique to SLOWDOWN, and is the method of measurement it uses internally both to calculate the Speed of the computer and to Slow the computer Down. If you're interested, a more detailed description of SU's is given below in "HOW SLOWDOWN WORKS" (page 33). There is also a CPU Speed Table below under the TABLE Option (page 13) that shows the measured Speed of several different computers (in SU's). You can compare your computer to this TABLE to see how fast your computer really is. Whether it is better to use the SPEED Option or the SLOWDOWN-FACTOR Option depends on exactly what you're trying to accomplish. If you're trying to make your computer "perform like" some other particular computer that you know the SPEED of, the SPEED Option is probably easier to use. If you're just trying to "Slow the computer Down some", the SLOWDOWN-FACTOR Option may be easier to use. If you want your computer to run the same speed as some other particular type of computer (like a PC/XT or a PC/AT), it is generally easier to use one of the other "speed control" Options (MHZ, page 7, PERCENT, page 8, XT, page 9, or AT, page 10), instead of the SPEED or SLOWDOWN-FACTOR Options. The SPEED and SLOWDOWN- FACTOR Options are really designed for "fine-tuning" SLOWDOWN for some special purpose (although it's entirely up to you exactly how you use SLOWDOWN). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 12 of 44 * /T * /Table /TableOfCPUSpeeds /TableOfCPUSpds /TableOfSpeeds /TableOfSpds * /Tbl /TblOfCPUSpeeds /TblOfCPUSpds /TblOfSpeeds /TblOfSpds * /CPUSpeedTable /CPUSpeedTbl /CPUSpdTable /CPUSpdTbl * /SpeedTable /SpeedTbl /SpdTable /SpdTbl This Option shows you an on-line TABLE of CPU Speeds for different computers which have been measured with SLOWDOWN. The intent of the TABLE is to help you figure out what kind of SPEED or SLOWDOWN- FACTOR Option you might want to use, since Slowdown-Units (which is what SLOWDOWN uses to measure Speed) are not something you're accustomed to remembering. The on-line TABLE looks like this: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º CPU Speed Table º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º Computer Model º CPU Mfg ³ CPU Model ³ MHz ³ Speed º ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ×ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ º Generic º Intel ³ 8088 ³ 4.77 ³ 12 º º Generic º NEC ³ V20 ³ 4.77 ³ 14 º º Generic º Intel ³ 80286 ³ 8 ³ 54 º º Generic º AMD ³ AMD386DX ³ 20 ³ 123 º º IBM ThinkPad 701C º Intel ³ 80486 DX/4 ³ 75 ³ 889 º º Generic º AMD ³ AM486DX4 ³ 100 ³ 1300 º º Dell Optiplex GX1 350M+ º Intel ³ Pentium-2 ³ 350 ³ 3640 º º Generic º AMD ³ K6-2 ³ 350 ³ 4780 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ NOTE: Speed is measured in Slowdown-Units (SU's) If you want your computer to "look like" some other particular type of computer, pick an appropriate Speed from the Table (you may have to do a little bit of multiplication or division to get an exact fit). For example, let's say you have a really fast computer. There is some particular program you have that is designed to run on a 12-MHz 80286 computer. From the Table, you see that an 8-MHz 80286 runs at a speed of 54 SU's. A 12-MHz 80286 will run about (12)/(8) = 1.5 times as fast as an 8-MHz 80286, or an approximate Speed of (54)*(1.5) = 81 SU's. To have your computer "look like" a 12-MHz 80286, you could do the following: SLOWDOWN /Speed=81 SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 13 of 44 The Speed measurements in the TABLE were taken by booting the measured computer with a "clean" DOS floppy disk (nothing in CONFIG.SYS and nothing in AUTOEXEC.BAT), and then running SLOWDOWN. If you use SLOWDOWN yourself to measure the Speed of a computer that is similar to one in the TABLE, you may find your actual measured Speed to be slightly different than the TABLE entry (but it should be very close). In particular, every TSR you install (either with CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT) before running SLOWDOWN will cause the computer to Slow Down at least a little bit. Trust me, the values in the TABLE are pretty accurate and you should not worry about trying to modify them (as I know some of you perfectionists will be tempted to do). If you have a really fast computer, and if you pay attention as you are using SLOWDOWN, you will notice that the Speed of your computer (as measured by SLOWDOWN) can vary from one time to the next. For example, you can run SLOWDOWN once at get a measured computer Speed of 3000, and then run it again and get a measured Speed of 3002. This is due to the unpredictabile nature of how long it takes other background Applications (like other TSR's you have installed in memory) to do what they need to do. When running "real" DOS (not running a DOS Box underneath Windows), the numbers usually only vary by 1 or 2. Underneath Windows, though, the numbers can vary significantly. They usually don't vary by more than about 5, but I have seen them vary by as much as several hundred. This is because of the unpredictable nature of Windows running other programs (including just itself) in the background. Also, if you have a really fast computer, you will notice that some programs will not run smoothly if you try to slow the computer down too much. In other words, some programs are "jerky" (some parts of the programs run too fast, some parts run OK, and some parts run too slow). Not all programs are jerky (at least not so jerky that you can't use them), but some are. Again, this is due to the unpredictabile nature of how long it takes to do any particular thing on the computer (newer computers don't do EVERYTHING faster than the old computers -- they only do some things faster). The larger the discrepancy between the actual Speed of the Computer and the desired Speed, the more likely it is to be jerky. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 14 of 44 Some computers also have a way where you can change the speed (the MHz) of the CPU. With some computers, you will need to get into the BIOS Setup when you first turn the computer on (which means you will need to reboot). Other computers have a physical switch on the computer case (usually labeled "Turbo"). Your computer may also have some sort of BIOS Hot-Key that lets you do it from the keyboard (the most common Hot-Keys I've seen are -- to have the CPU run slow, and -- to have the CPU run fast). Sometimes slowing down the CPU Speed before you run SLOWDOWN can help things run smoother, and sometimes can even let you avoid using SLOWDOWN altogether. If anyone wants to, they can also send me information on more computers that I can add to the TABLE. I do have a few stipulations on what you should send me, however. First of all, the computer must be booted with "clean" DOS (nothing in CONFIG.SYS and nothing in AUTOEXEC.BAT). Also, you should verify what your CPU Type and Speed really are with an external program (I personally use a free program called NSSI). I also really only want information on CPU's that are significantly different than those already in the Table, or that for some reason show my conclusion that "the CPU MHz number is the only thing that really affects things very much" is incorrect. I would definitely like some tests performed on 8086, 80186, 80286, 80386, Pentium, Pentium 3, Celeron, and non-Intel CPU's (like AMD, Cyrix, and NEC). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 15 of 44 There is an Option to run a single PROGRAM "slowly", after which SLOWDOWN will return the computer to normal Speed. {Program} [ProgramOptions] {Program} is the name of a single PROGRAM that you want SLOWDOWN to run "slowly", and [ProgramOptions] are the command-line Options that PROGRAM needs to operate correctly. If you are using the PROGRAM Option, it MUST be the last Option on the command-line (any other SLOWDOWN command-line Options must come before it). After PROGRAM is finished, SLOWDOWN will automatically return the computer to the Speed it was running before you started running PROGRAM. For example: SLOWDOWN /MHz=100 EDIT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT will slow your computer down to approximately the same speed as a 100-Mhz 80486 computer, and then start running "EDIT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT". Note that the HOT-KEYS (described on page 28) will still work in EDIT, allowing you to change Speeds while using EDIT -- the "/MHz=100" will simply set the Speed of the computer as EDIT is starting. When you exit out of EDIT, SLOWDOWN will automatically return your computer to the Speed it was running before you started EDIT. {Program} must be the name of an executable file (one that ends in .COM, .EXE, or .BAT). You do not need to put the .COM, .EXE. or .BAT extension as part of {Program}, however. When DOS is deciding which program it will run, it uses a set of internal rules which will totally ignore the extension that you give it anyway. I won't go into details about how DOS decides which program to run, but will tell you that it involves internal DOS commands, the current directory (folder), the PATH environment variable, and filename extensions (though not the extension that you give it). You'll need to read a book or magazine article on DOS if you want to know the details. Although you don't need a filename extension, you may need to include a drive and path (for example, "C:\DOS\EDIT" instead of just "EDIT") as part of {Program}. If you don't, DOS may either not be able to find the PROGRAM at all, or, worse yet, may run the wrong PROGRAM (you could have two different versions of "EDIT", for example, and not even know it). SLOWDOWN uses DOS to run the PROGRAM, so all of the DOS rules about file names, PATHs, etc., apply. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 16 of 44 If you use this PROGRAM Option to run a single program "slowly", SLOWDOWN does not install itself permanently into memory as a TSR. That is, after PROGRAM is finished running, SLOWDOWN removes itself from memory and returns your computer to exactly the way it was before you started. SLOWDOWN doesn't use a lot of memory when installed as a TSR (less than 2000 bytes), but by using the PROGRAM Option, you can be sure SLOWDOWN doesn't use ANY memory at all except when it is actually doing something. Note that it is also possible to both install SLOWDOWN as a TSR and to run a single program "slowly". For instance, you could do the following: SLOWDOWN /MHz=50 SLOWDOWN /MHz=25 PROGRAM1 The first line installs SLOWDOWN as a TSR, and starts running the computer at the same Speed as a 50-MHz 80486 computer. The second line will run PROGRAM1 (whatever that is) at an initial Speed of 25-MHz. After PROGRAM1 is done, the computer will automatically return to whatever Speed it was running before PROGRAM1 started (in this case, 50-MHz). The SLOWDOWN TSR will continue to remain in memory (perhaps forever) even after PROGRAM1 has stopped. If you want to permanently remove the SLOWDOWN TSR from memory for some reason, you need to use the UNINSTALL Option (page 24 below). You should not use the PROGRAM Option of SLOWDOWN to install another PROGRAM that is itself a TSR. By definition, after a TSR is finished running (and has been "installed" into memory), it leaves part of itself behind in memory (it does not ever completely remove itself). With the PROGRAM Option, SLOWDOWN completely removes itself from memory when it is done. If PROGRAM is a TSR (which does not completely remove itself from memory when it is done), you can run into major problems. In the best scenario, everything may work fine (though this scenario is highly unlikely). In the middle-of-the-road scenario, you will be leaving unusable "holes" in your memory, even though all of the programs may work like they're supposed to. In the worst scenario, your computer will crash and burn. If, for some reason, you want to (or need to) use SLOWDOWN to install another Program that is a TSR, you should first install SLOWDOWN as a TSR (by NOT giving it a PROGRAM Option). You can then either use HOT-KEYS (described on page 28) or command-line Options to have SLOWDOWN temporarily slow the computer down while the other TSR Program is installing. After the other TSR is installed, you can return the computer back to normal Speed if you want (again, either with SLOWDOWN HOT-KEYS or command-line Options). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 17 of 44 If you want to run several programs in a row "slowly" (instead of just a single PROGRAM), and have the computer automatically return to normal Speed after you are done, there are three different ways you can approach it. All three approaches will involve you writing batch files, however. Let's say you want to run three separate programs in a row, called Program1, Program2, and Program3. You want to have the computer be Slowed Down to 10% of normal speed for all three programs, and you want the computer to return to normal speed after the three programs are done. Here are some different batch files you could use to do it. This first example installs SLOWDOWN as a TSR, runs the three Programs, and then UNINSTALLs the SLOWDOWN TSR from memory: BATCH1.BAT: SLOWDOWN /Percent=10 Program1 Program2 Program3 SLOWDOWN /Uninstall This second example actually slows down each Program individually (using the SLOWDOWN PROGRAM Option three separate times). Because it does this all in the same batch file, though, it will appear almost as though the computer is continuously running "slowly" the whole time: BATCH2.BAT: SLOWDOWN /Percent=10 Program1 SLOWDOWN /Percent=10 Program2 SLOWDOWN /Percent=10 Program3 This last example actually uses two separate batch files, and one batch file calls (runs) the other one: BATCH3A.BAT: SLOWDOWN /Percent=10 BATCH3B BATCH3B.BAT: Program1 Program2 Program3 SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 18 of 44 Another thing to keep in mind when using the PROGRAM Option is that you will not know what the ERRORLEVEL (return code) of the PROGRAM you are running is. ERRORLEVEL's are returned by all DOS programs after they execute. Their main purpose is to allow DOS batch files to "automatically" make decisions about what to do next based on whether the previous Program worked properly or not. However, the ERRORLEVEL of the SLOWDOWN'd PROGRAM is not returned when you use the PROGRAM Option with SLOWDOWN -- what is returned is the SLOWDOWN ERRORLEVEL (see "ERRORLEVELS" below on page 27). Let's compare the following two excerpts from batch files designed to run PROGRAM1 "slowly", and then remove SLOWDOWN from memory: BATCH1.BAT: SLOWDOWN /AT PROGRAM1 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO NoError REM Handle the PROGRAM1 Error Here :NoError SLOWDOWN /Uninstall REM This could be "SLOWDOWN /0", if you don't REM want to completely remove SLOWDOWN from memory. BATCH2.BAT: SLOWDOWN /AT PROGRAM1 REM Can't do a PROGRAM1 ERRORLEVEL check Here! As you can see by the REMark lines, with the first batch file (BATCH1.BAT), you can do any sort of ERRORLEVEL stuff related to PROGRAM1 you want. In the second example (BATCH2.BAT), the ERRORLEVELs from PROGRAM1 are "lost", and you can't use them to do any sort of "smart" Batch file programming. If you don't need or don't care about or don't understand ERRORLEVELs, then it doesn't matter which method you use to run PROGRAM1. If the PROGRAM1 ERRORORLEVELs matter to you for some reason, then you must install SLOWDOWN as a TSR, and then Uninstall it after PROGRAM1 is finished (look at BATCH1.BAT). When using the PROGRAM Option, SLOWDOWN requires quite a bit more memory than it does as a TSR. When using the PROGRAM Option, SLOWDOWN itself requires about 3200 bytes (3.2K) of memory. In addition, when using the PROGRAM Option, SLOWDOWN loads a temporary copy of the DOS Command Shell (usually, this is COMMAND.COM). The memory required by the DOS Command Shell is normally somewhere between 3K and 8K (exactly how big it is depends on which version of DOS you're using and how you have DOS configured). Therefore, the total amount of memory required by SLOWDOWN when using the PROGRAM Option will usually be somewhere between 6K and 11K (a lot more than the 2K required by SLOWDOWN when it is installed as a TSR). There is a more detailed discussion of this below in the "THE DOS EXEC FUNCTION AND COMMAND.COM" (page 36), if you're interested. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 19 of 44 There are Options to configure and control the Hot-Keys. * /K:shift-mask * /HotKeyShiftMask:shift-mask /HotKeySftMask:shift-mask * /HotKeyMask:shift-mask /HotKey:shift-mask * /KeyShiftMask:shift-mask /KeySftMask:shift-mask * /KeyMask:shift-mask /Key:shift-mask * /ShiftMask:shift-mask /SftMask:shift-mask This Option is used to set the SHIFT-MASK for the SLOWDOWN Hot- Keys. These Hot-Keys allow you to control the speed of the computer with the keyboard, even while you are in the middle of another program. There are several keys on the keyboard that SLOWDOWN uses to do this, which are described more completely in the "HOT-KEYS" section below (page 28). It actually takes three "pieces" for the Hot-Keys to work, though. There are the Hot-Keys themselves (described in the "HOT-KEYS" section below, page 28), the ENABLE/DISABLE Options described directly below (page 22), and the SHIFT-MASK (discussed right here). The SHIFT-MASK is some combination of the , , and keys that must be already be pressed before you press the Hot-Key. The default SHIFT-MASK that SLOWDOWN uses is -. To change the SLOWDOWN SHIFT-MASK, you give SLOWDOWN (as the "shift-mask" part of the Option) a list of shift-keys (Shift, Ctrl, or Alt) that you would like it to use, separated by dashes ("-"). For example, to change the SHIFT-MASK from whatever it was before to -, you could do the following: SLOWDOWN /ShiftMask = Shift-Alt The SHIFT-MASK can be any combination of 0, 1, 2, or all 3 shift- keys, and the order doesn't matter ("Shift-Alt" is the same as "Alt-Shift", etc.). Here are the words you can use to describe each of the shift-keys in the "shift-mask" part of the Option: Shift Sft S Control Cntrl Cntl Ctrl Ctl C Strg Stg Alt AltGr A SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 20 of 44 You can also have the SHIFT-MASK be "nothing" (no shift-keys at all) by using one of the following as the "shift-mask": 0 Empty Nada No None Nothing Nil Null Although SLOWDOWN will let you set the SHIFT-MASK to "Nothing", or to a simple "Shift" key, under normal circumstances you do not want to do this. It can cause you a great amount of confusion and weeping, since you will probably think your keyboard is broken (trust me -- I went through this more than once as I was testing SLOWDOWN, and it was not at all fun). Here are some "shift-mask" Options that would be OK: S-C-A Sft-Ctl-Alt Control Alt-Cntrl None These "shift-mask" Options would generate error messages: Ctrl-Ctrl Can only use the same shift-key once None-Shift The None shift-mask must be by itself Ctrl Alt Must put a dash ("-") between each shift-key Again, exactly what the Hot-Keys are and how to use them is discussed in detail below in the "HOT-KEYS" section (page 28). Read that section if you want to know more. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 21 of 44 * /E * /EnableHotKeys /EnableKeys /Enable /On * /D * /DisableHotKeys /DisableKeys /Disable /Off These Options allow you to ENABLE (turn on) or DISABLE (turn off) the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys. Exactly what the Hot-Keys are and what they do is described below in the "HOT-KEYS" section (page 28). In addition, the SHIFT-MASK Option discussed directly above (page 20) discusses a second aspect of the Hot-Keys. These ENABLE and DISABLE Options control the third and final aspect of getting the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys to work. By default, the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys are ENABLEd. This means that, by default, if you press one of the appropriate SHIFT-MASK and Hot-Key combinations, SLOWDOWN will change the Speed of the computer "on-the-fly" even if you are in the middle of another program. If you want to turn the Hot-Keys completely off, you will need to DISABLE them (by giving SLOWDOWN the DISABLE Option). Under normal circumstances, it is best to leave the Hot-Keys ENABLEd all the time, especially if you have the SHIFT-MASK set to something relatively obscure (like the default SHIFT-MASK of -). If the SHIFT-MASK is "uncommon", it is very unlikely that you can accidentally change the Speed of your computer. The only reason you might want to DISABLE the Hot-Keys is if, for some reason, you don't want to be able to change the Speed of the computer "on-the-fly", and you are also afraid, for some reason, that you will accidentally type a SLOWDOWN Hot-Key and not realize that you did it. As long as you realized that the Speed of the computer has changed, even if you did it by accident, you could easily "undo" the change with another Hot-Key. Again, read the "HOT-KEYS" section below (page 28) if you want details on exacly what the Hot-Keys are and what they do. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 22 of 44 There are also some miscellaneous (housekeeping) Options. */Q */Quiet /ShutUp * /V * /Verbose /Talk These Options are complements of each other. With the VERBOSE Option selected, when you type "SLOWDOWN {Options}" at the command- line, SLOWDOWN provides you with several lines of information about how SLOWDOWN is currently configured (information such as the Speed of your computer and the current status of the SHIFT-MASK). Exactly what SLOWDOWN tells you depends on several factors, so I won't go into details (you can view the information for yourself). However, this information does take up several lines of your screen, and can in fact clutter up your screen with a lot of stuff you may not normally care to see. With the QUIET Option selected, SLOWDOWN does not display any of this information. Your screen is much less cluttered, but it is also not telling you some things that you may want to know about what SLOWDOWN is doing (you are "running blind"). Note that SLOWDOWN will always print error messages to the screen, even if the QUIET Option is set. The QUIET Option only prevents configuration information from being displayed, not error information. The most common way to use the QUIET and VERBOSE Options is with the SLOWDOWN Environment variable (see "THE SLOWDOWN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE" below on page 25). If you want SLOWDOWN to normally be QUIET, set the QUIET Option in the SLOWDOWN Environment variable. If you then decide, for some reason, that you want to temporarily override the QUIET Option so SLOWDOWN will show you what it is doing, you can enter the VERBOSE Option on the command-line. Read "THE SLOWDOWN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE" section below (page 25) for more details. The default is for SLOWDOWN to be VERBOSE. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 23 of 44 * /U * /Uninstall /Remove /Out This will permanently UNINSTALL (or at least try to UNINSTALL) SLOWDOWN from memory, if it was installed as a TSR (if it was not installed with the PROGRAM Option described above, page 16). If all you are trying to do is stop Slowing the computer Down, you can just use an appropriate speed-control Option (such as "SLOWDOWN /0", "SLOWDOWN /Speed=65535", "SLOWDOWN /Percent=100", or "SLOWDOWN /MHz=5000"). This UNINSTALL Option will stop Slowing the computer Down just like one of the speed-control Options, but will also attempt to remove the SLOWDOWN TSR from memory. This will free up about 2000 bytes of memory for your machine to use on other things, and will also permanently Disable (remove from memory) the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys. * /? /H /Help This Option will pull up a HELP screen which gives a quick summary of the possible command-line Options for SLOWDOWN. This will also give you a quick summary of how fast SLOWDOWN thinks your computer is, without actually Slowing the computer Down, or without installing itself into memory. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 24 of 44 THE SLOWDOWN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SLOWDOWN also looks for an Environment variable called SLOWDOWN. This variable can contain some of the standard command-line Options listed starting above on page 6. The Options it CANNOT contain are the Options that directly change the speed of the computer (/MHz:nn, /Percent:nn.nn, /Speed:nn, /Slowdown-Factor, /XT, /AT, or /Remember), or the PROGRAM Option. The SLOWDOWN Environment variable CAN contain any of the other Options detailed above (/XT:speed, /AT:speed, /Remember:speed, /Table, /ShiftMask:shift-mask, /Enable, /Disable, /Quiet, /Verbose, /Uninstall, or /Help). SLOWDOWN reads the Options from the SLOWDOWN Environment variable before it reads the Options from the DOS command-line. Any Options you have in the SLOWDOWN Environment variable act like they are entered at the beginning of each command-line, and effectively become your "default" settings. Because Options entered later on the command-line take precedence over Options entered earlier on the command-line, though, you can easily override the "default" settings contained in the Environment variable any time you want. For example, let's say you set the SLOWDOWN Environment variable as follows: SET SLOWDOWN=/ShiftMask:Shift-Alt /XTSpeed:20 This would SET the "default" SLOWDOWN SHIFT-MASK to -, and also SET the "default" XT-Speed to 20 Slowdown-Units. Let's say you then ran SLOWDOWN as follows from the command-line (or a batch file): SLOWDOWN /ShiftMask:Ctrl-Alt The combination of the Environment variable and the command-line Options would act as if you had done this: SLOWDOWN /ShiftMask:Shift-Alt /XTSpeed:20 /ShiftMask:Ctrl-Alt You have overridden the "default" SHIFT-MASK (-) with a "temporary" SHIFT-MASK (-). SLOWDOWN will continue to use the "temporary" SHIFT-MASK until you run SLOWDOWN at the command-line again, when it will start using the "default" SHIFT-MASK from the Environment variable again. Also, Environment variables are "permanent" (they continue to be remembered by the computer until they are reset or until DOS stops running). This means that even if you UNINSTALL SLOWDOWN from memory, SLOWDOWN will still be able to know about the "default" settings next time you run it. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 25 of 44 Although you can SET Environment variables at any time from the DOS command-line (or from batch files), it is usually better to SET them in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. That way, they are truly "permanent", and will automatically be there every time you start your computer. Another thing you need to know about Environment variables is that, with some versions of DOS, an Environment variable cannot contain an equals ("="). In the SLOWDOWN Options, Equals ("=") and Colon (":") are interchangeable. You should try to remember to use ":" when setting Environment variables, but can either use ":" or "=" on the command- line. For instance, let's compare the following two lines which SET the SLOWDOWN Environment variable: SET SLOWDOWN= /ATSpeed = 100 SET SLOWDOWN= /ATSpeed : 100 The first line may not work on some computers, but it would on others. The second line will work on all computers. If you do not have the QUIET Option set (above, page 23), or temporarily override the QUIET Option with the VERBOSE Option (also above on page 23), SLOWDOWN will show you what the SLOWDOWN Environment variable is set to every time you run it. If SLOWDOWN is doing something that you don't expect it to, it could be because of a setting you put in your Environment variable and forgot was there. When troubleshooting, make sure you look at the SLOWDOWN Environment variable -- that could be where the problem is. If you don't know what an Environment is, or what it is used for, I suggest you read about it in your favorite DOS book. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 26 of 44 ERRORLEVELS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SLOWDOWN sets the following ERRORLEVELs after it executes, to give you an indication of what happened. If you don't understand the purpose or value of ERRORLEVELs, I suggest you read about them in your DOS manual. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º ERRORLEVEL º MEANING º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÎÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º 0 º No problem - everything worked as requested º º 1 º Couldn't understand one or more of the Options º º 2 º Your computer isn't fast enough to use SLOWDOWN º º 3 º Memory problem / Memory conflict with another program º º 4 º Tried UNINSTALL without SLOWDOWN installed yet º º 5 º A different version of SLOWDOWN was found in memory º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 27 of 44 HOT-KEYS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SLOWDOWN has several Hot-Keys that you can use to control and change the speed of the computer "on-the-fly", even while you are in the middle of another program. There are some command-line Options that also control certain aspects of how the Hot-Keys work (specifically, the SHIFT-MASK Option on page 20 and the ENABLE/DISABLE Options on page 22). Read the details about those Options if you want more information. In the following table, though, we will assume that the SHIFT-MASK is set at the default value of - (see page 20), and that the Hot-Keys are ENABLEd (see page 22). Here are the Hot-Keys, and what they will do if you press them: --<`> Run at 0% of normal Speed (like /Pct:0) --<1> Run at 10% of normal Speed (like /Pct:10) --<2> Run at 20% of normal Speed (like /Pct:20) --<3> Run at 30% of normal Speed (like /Pct:30) --<4> Run at 40% of normal Speed (like /Pct:40) --<5> Run at 50% of normal Speed (like /Pct:50) --<6> Run at 60% of normal Speed (like /Pct:60) --<7> Run at 70% of normal Speed (like /Pct:70) --<8> Run at 80% of normal Speed (like /Pct:80) --<9> Run at 90% of normal Speed (like /Pct:90) --<0> Run at 100% of normal Speed (like /Pct:100) --<-> Lower the computer speed by one Slowdown-Unit --<=> Increase the computer speed by one Slowdown-Unit -- Lower the computer speed by approximately 1% -- Increase the computer speed by approximately 1% -- Run at XT-Speed (like /XT) -- Run at AT-Speed (like /AT) -- Run at the REMEMBER-Speed (like /Remember) -- Store the current Speed as the REMEMBER-speed If the SHIFT-MASK is something other than -, you should replace the "-" parts of the table with the appropriate SHIFT-MASK. If the Hot-Keys are DISABLED (see page 22), then pressing the Hot-Keys will, of course, not do anything at all. When you press one of the Hot-Keys (causing SLOWDOWN to do something to the Speed of the Computer), SLOWDOWN also beeps at you. The frequency (or pitch) of the beep corresponds to the current speed of the computer. A low-frequency beep indicates the computer is running slowly (such as when you press --<`>), and a high-frequency beep indicates the computer is running quickly (such as when you press --<0>). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 28 of 44 It is also possible that when you try to change the speed of the computer with a Hot-Key, SLOWDOWN will not change the speed of the computer at all. If SCANCODE is not sure how fast your computer is when you press a Hot-Key, it will simply beep at you twice (and not change the computer speed). SCANCODE will only do this under certain circumstances if you are using Microsoft Windows. It revolves around the fact that "real" DOS is several times faster than a DOS box running underneath Windows, and the details are discussed below under "SLOWDOWN AND WINDOWS" (page 30). Also note that the Hot-Keys that are numbers (<1>, <2>, etc.) are the number keys along the top row of the keyboard, NOT on the NumberPad on the right side of the keyboard. In addition, the descriptions given for the Hot-Keys are only accurate for a standard United States English keyboard. If you use any other kind of keyboard, the descriptions may not be accurate (the Hot-Keys are determined by the physical location of the keys on the keyboard, not on how the keys are labeled). There may also be times when you're in the middle of another program and the Hot-Keys don't do anything (they don't beep at you and they don't change the speed of the computer). This happens when the other program completely "takes over" the keyboard and doesn't allow any other program (like SLOWDOWN) to use the keyboard at the same time (Windows is one program that completely takes over the keyboard like this). If you press a keystroke that the program doesn't understand (like one of SLOWDOWN's Hot-Keys), the program should assume that there might be a TSR that does understand the keystroke. Unfortunately, not all programs do what I think they should. You will not be able to use the Hot-Keys in a program that completely takes over the keyboard like this. Instead, you will have to set the correct computer Speed BEFORE the program starts (usually, the best way to do that is with a batch file). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 29 of 44 SLOWDOWN AND WINDOWS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SLOWDOWN is a DOS program, and is designed to work with DOS programs. Nearly all versions of Windows are also DOS programs, even though Microsoft would like you to believe otherwise. Even though Windows is a DOS program, though, SLOWDOWN will not Slow Down Windows or Windows- native Applications. SLOWDOWN could do this (older versions of SLOWDOWN did), but I chose to remove that capability from this version of SLOWDOWN. Windows is more than slow enough already without needing any extra help, and Windows will crash the computer a lot if you try and Slow things Down too much. However, you can use Windows as a DOS Task-Switcher. You can run several DOS applications at the same time underneath Windows, and use Windows to switch between them. Windows puts each DOS application in a separate DOS box, and you can use SLOWDOWN to Slow Down the DOS boxes that run underneath Windows. In fact, SLOWDOWN will allow you to have each separate DOS box underneath Windows running at a separate SLOWDOWN speed than all of the other DOS boxes. Let's talk a little bit about how DOS Boxes work. If you open more than one DOS Box underneath Windows, they are almost totally isolated from each other. Anything that is done to the memory of one DOS Box can't be seen by any of the other DOS boxes. For example, if you load SLOWDOWN into memory in one DOS Box, it does not affect any of the other DOS Boxes that might be running at the same time. Each DOS box can have it's own independent copy of SLOWDOWN loaded into memory, and they will not affect or interfere with each other. However, anything you do to the memory of the computer BEFORE you start Windows (such as a installing SLOWDOWN with your AUTOEXEC.BAT file) is automatically available to all DOS Boxes that Windows may open up after it starts. Windows has no choice but to "copy" what was there before it started because, as was stated before, Windows is itself nothing more than a large, slow DOS program. It has to work with DOS programs (TSR's like SLOWDOWN) that were installed before it was. What SLOWDOWN is able to do (if you want it to) is to load a single copy of SLOWDOWN into memory (before Windows starts), and also to have each separate DOS Box running at a separate SLOWDOWN speed. The single copy of SLOWDOWN (installed before Windows was started) will automatically change speeds appropriately as you switch between the different DOS boxes. This can make it seem as if you have several different copies of SLOWDOWN running at the same time, even though there is really only one. SLOWDOWN will automatically keep track of and switch between 16 different DOS Boxes underneath Windows. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 30 of 44 Note that this Task-Switching capability of SLOWDOWN is only used if you install SLOWDOWN into memory before you start Windows (such as if you put a "SLOWDOWN" line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file). If you do this, SLOWDOWN (including the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys) will be automatically accessible in all DOS Boxes that you start underneath Windows. The other choice is to install SLOWDOWN only inside the DOS Boxes that will actually need SLOWDOWN, but, in my opinion, that is more complicated and more confusing. Windows is not the only DOS Task-Switching program there is. Other Task-Switchers include DesqView, Software Carousel, and the DOSSHELL program that comes with later versions of DOS (to name a few). The Task-Switching capability of SLOWDOWN will only work in Windows, however. If a non-Windows Task-Switching program is used, you will probably want to load SLOWDOWN individually in each DOS box underneath the Task-Switcher. If you try to load SLOWDOWN before you load the Task-Switcher, SLOWDOWN won't be able to "isolate" the DOS Boxes from each other (and this will cause you a lot of headaches). Another thing to keep in mind is that "real" DOS is a LOT faster than a DOS Box underneath Windows. If you actually do a comparison of the two with SLOWDOWN, you will see that "real" DOS is AT LEAST twice as fast as a Windows DOS box on the same computer. The difference in speed is so significant that you need to take some special precautions when using SLOWDOWN with Windows. Let's say you install SLOWDOWN before you start Windows, and when you do, SLOWDOWN says the maximum SPEED of your computer is 2400 Slowdown- Units (SU's). Then you start Windows, and start a DOS Box underneath Windows, and run SLOWDOWN again. Let's say SLOWDOWN now tells you the Maximum SPEED of your computer is 800 Slowdown-Units (1/3 as fast as it was before you installed Windows). When you ran SLOWDOWN the second time (inside the DOS box), SLOWDOWN updated itself with the new Maximum SPEED of the computer (now only 800 Slowdown-Units, because it is running in a DOS Box underneath Windows). SLOWDOWN will continue to work properly in all DOS Boxes until you exit from Windows (and the computer will automatically speed up again). Let's go through another scenario. You do the same things as before, up to the point where you run SLOWDOWN the second time (you install SLOWDOWN, start Windows, and start a DOS Box underneath Windows). Instead of running SLOWDOWN a second time, though, you just try to change the speed of the computer with one of the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys, --<1> (which is supposed to start running the computer at 10% of "Normal" Speed). The problem is, "Normal" Speed now is only 800 SU's, but SLOWDOWN still thinks it is 2400 SU's. This could cause your computer to crash (SLOWDOWN will try to Slow Down your computer more than it is safe to do). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 31 of 44 While SLOWDOWN can automatically tell whether or not Windows is running, it cannot automatically tell exactly how much Windows has Slowed Down the DOS Boxes that run underneath it. If you install SLOWDOWN before you run Windows, and don't update SLOWDOWN (by running SLOWDOWN from the command-line inside at least one DOS Box), SLOWDOWN will ignore any Hot- Key requests you try to perform. Instead of changing the Speed of the computer, SLOWDOWN will instead simply beep at you twice (indicating an problem). If you want the Hot-Keys to work correctly, you need to make sure you run SCANCODE at least once from a DOS Box after Windows has started. If you quit Windows and start running DOS again (which you can't directly do with Windows 9x), or "Restart in MS-DOS Mode" (in Windows 9x), the opposite problem happens. DOS automatically starts running several times faster than it did while Windows was running. However, SLOWDOWN can handle this situation automatically. It remembers how fast the computer was before Windows started, and will automatically convert everything back to what it needs to be for "real" DOS again. In summary, SLOWDOWN will not Slow Down Windows directly, but can be used to Slow Down DOS Boxes underneath Windows. Each DOS Box can be running at a different SLOWDOWN Speed. You can either load a separate copy of SLOWDOWN in each DOS Box, or load a single copy of SLOWDOWN before Windows starts (such as with your AUTOEXEC.BAT file). If you load SLOWDOWN before Windows starts, you will also need to run SLOWDOWN from the command-line at least once inside a DOS Box before SLOWDOWN will work correctly. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 32 of 44 HOW SLOWDOWN WORKS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Every "slowdown" type of program I've seen works essentially the same way, and SLOWDOWN is no exception (although I have tried some other methods, none have worked as flexibly or as reliably as this method). SLOWDOWN ties itself to the timer interrupt, which occurs approximately 18 times per second on a PC. The timer interrupt is always happening as long as your computer is turned on, even if the computer isn't "doing anything". Each time a timer tick happens, SLOWDOWN wastes time by doing a series of "do-nothing" loops (a do-nothing loop is called a Slowdown-Unit or an SU). Each Slowdown-Unit is a complicated and time-consuming set of things for the CPU (Central Processing Unit) to do, but doesn't provide any useful output -- it just wastes time (sounds a lot like Windows, doesn't it?). Because SLOWDOWN is constantly wasting time (in the background) whenever there is a timer tick, a normal program (running in the foreground) is unable to get access to the CPU (your computer's "brain") as much as it normally does. This makes the computer appear to run more slowly. In the Options you use to tell SLOWDOWN how fast (or how slow) you want the computer to run, you are telling SLOWDOWN (either directly or indirectly) how many Slowdown-Units (do-nothing loops) you want it to do each time there is a timer tick. To calculate how fast your computer is compared to an XT or an AT or an 80486 computer, SLOWDOWN counts how many Slowdown-Units your computer can continuously do in one timer tick. SLOWDOWN knows that an XT (4.77-MHz 8088) can do approximately 12 Slowdown-Units in one timer tick, an AT (8-MHz 80286) can do about 54 SU's, and a 75-MHz 80486 can do about 889 SU's. Because SLOWDOWN uses the exact same method (Slowdown-Units) to measure the Speed as it does to Slow Down the computer, it can simulate pretty accurately the Speed of almost any computer. Note, though, that SLOWDOWN attempts to simulate a particular CPU speed, and the CPU speed is NOT the only thing that controls how fast a computer performs (though it is usually the main thing). For example, to simulate an XT, SLOWDOWN needs to waste some time each timer tick. How much time? Well, let's assume the maximum Speed of your computer is 120 Slowdown-Units (SU's). SLOWDOWN needs to leave enough time for your computer to do the equivalent of 12 "do-nothing" loops each timer tick, so SLOWDOWN will "waste" 108 (120-12) SU's each timer tick. This will leave 12 SU's worth of time for your computer to run other programs. To simulate an AT (whose Speed is 54 SU's), SLOWDOWN will "waste" 66 (120-54) SU's each timer tick. The maximum Slowdown-Factor SLOWDOWN would let you use is 120. A Slowdown-Factor of 120 would Slow the computer Down enough that it would be very frustrating to use, but should not stop the computer completely. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 33 of 44 No "slowdown" or Benchmark program can do a perfect job of telling you exactly how fast your computer will run any particular program. Suppose you have a Benchmark program (or a salesman) tell you your computer is 50 times faster than an AT. That doesn't mean every program you have will run 50 times faster on your computer than it will on an AT. Some programs will run 50 times faster, but some may run only about 10 times faster, some may run at about the same speed, some may actually run slower, and some may not run at all. It all depends on how the program is written and what the program is supposed to do. I'm telling you this because the default Speeds SLOWDOWN uses to simulate XT's and AT's will not always work correctly - you may have to experiment with each program (the SLOWDOWN Hot-Keys can help you "fine- tune" things). If your program doesn't do anything too weird, SLOWDOWN's default values should work pretty well. If you find values other than the defaults work better for a particular program, for heaven's sake write yourself a Batch file to automate the process for you the next time. One thing SLOWDOWN (and every other "slowdown" program I've seen) doesn't do well is sound. The way a PC generates sounds through its speaker is not very sophisticated and not very controllable, and sometimes SLOWDOWN has a hard time dealing with it. It just depends on how the program is written. If the funky sounds or the extremely long beeps bother you, and the program has the option to turn off the sound, you may want to do just that. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 34 of 44 I also want to point out one other thing here. There are some other "slowdown" programs out there that are pretty similar to SLOWDOWN, but they use a different "timer tick" than SLOWDOWN (they use Software Interrupt 70h, while SLOWDOWN uses Interrupt 08h). They do this because Interrupt 70h can occur much more often than Interrupt 08h (nearly 10,000 times per second, compared to only 18 times per second for Interrupt 08h). This allows them to be "smoother" (sometimes programs are "jerky" when they are running with SLOWDOWN). I have experimented with Interrupt 70h, and while things can be "smoother" than with Interrupt 08h, there are some severe problems with Interrupt 70h. First of all, the computer needs to have at least an 80286 CPU (the "extra" timer tick related to Interrupt 70h does not exist on computers with 8088 CPU's). I know computers with 8088 CPU's are rare nowadays (but they are not extinct -- I still have one), and ALL programs (not just "slowdown" programs) should work on ALL computers (in my opinion). The other (bigger) problem with Interrupt 70h is that there are a lot of programs it simply doesn't work with (including Windows). These programs use Interrupt 70h themselves, and "override" anything that a "slowdown" program might try to do with the Interrupt. Interrupt 08h is a system-level interrupt that is required for the computer to run, and it can NEVER be prevented from working by ANY program (not even Windows). If your computer doesn't have an 8088 CPU (which it probably doesn't), and your programs are too "jerky" when using SLOWDOWN, you might want to try one of the "slowdown" programs that use Interrupt 70h instead of using SLOWDOWN. Just keep in mind that it won't always work correctly, or maybe won't even work at all. It definitely will not work with Windows (including DOS Boxes underneath Windows). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 35 of 44 THE DOS EXEC FUNCTION AND COMMAND.COM ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ When you use the PROGRAM Option (page 16) to have SLOWDOWN execute a single Program (slowly), it uses a function in DOS called EXEC. The EXEC function allows one program (SLOWDOWN) to call (run) another program (which is called the "Child program"). The Child program that SLOWDOWN calls is always COMMAND.COM, or whatever the COMSPEC environment variable is set to (COMMAND.COM is called the "DOS Shell"). If you type a PROGRAM name at the end of the SLOWDOWN command line (telling SLOWDOWN to execute just one particular PROGRAM slowly), SLOWDOWN Slows Down the computer, and then EXEC's a "COMMAND /C {Program with Options}". When the PROGRAM is finished (actually, when COMMAND.COM is finished), SLOWDOWN returns the computer to the Speed it was running before it did the EXEC. It would also be possible for SLOWDOWN to EXEC the PROGRAM directly (which is what some other "slowdown" programs do), instead of using COMMAND.COM as a "middleman". The reason SLOWDOWN EXEC's the DOS Shell instead of directly EXEC'ing the PROGRAM is three-fold. First of all, being in a DOS Shell is the only way you can execute a Batch file. You cannot EXEC a Batch file directly - you can only EXEC a .COM or .EXE file. Batch files are far too useful and prevalent to not allow SLOWDOWN to work with them. Secondly, a DOS Shell is the only way to execute internal DOS commands (COPY, DEL, DIR, SET, IF, FOR, etc.). These internal commands are built inside the inner workings of the DOS Shell, and are impossible to EXEC directly. As with Batch files, internal commands are far too useful to not allow SLOWDOWN to work with them. Lastly, using the DOS Shell allows all of your PATH's, file redirections, etc. to remain in full use. The DOS Shell already knows how to use the PATH to find executable files, how to edit command line arguments, etc. If SLOWDOWN didn't use the DOS Shell to handle these details, SLOWDOWN would become much more complicated and take up much more memory. As it is, SLOWDOWN uses about 3.2K of memory, plus whatever COMMAND.COM uses (usually around 3-8k). SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 36 of 44 Enough with the good things about EXEC and COMMAND.COM. There is one minor "gotcha" that you need to be concerned about when using SLOWDOWN to EXEC a Batch file. When the DOS EXEC function calls a Child program, it gives the Child a copy of the current Environment to use. Instead of giving it a copy of the entire Environment, however, it only gives it a copy that is barely big enough to hold the current state of the Environment. There is no extra space given to add more Environment variables to the list. If the Batch file you're EXEC'ing with SLOWDOWN tries to SET (create) any new Environment variables, you may get an "Out of Environment Space" error message. There's probably a good reason the Batch file is trying to change the Environment variable, and will probably not work correctly if it can't SET it. The only Batch files you sometimes have problems getting to work with SLOWDOWN are those that try to SET new Environment variables. Batch files that don't try to increase the size of the Environment should work just fine. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 37 of 44 THE IBM INTERRUPT SHARING PROTOCOL ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ As of version 2.00, SLOWDOWN implements something called the "IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol". The details of the Protocol are pretty technical, and I won't go into them here. I'm going to try to discuss, at a high level, the advantages (and disadvantages) of the Protocol, however. As a user of SLOWDOWN, there are some things you should know that are discussed here. I'm also trying to promote the Protocol to other programmers, so you'll see a little bit of that bias in here, also. Please bear with me. Most people who use DOS very much at all install several TSR's into memory at the same time (TSR's like DOSKEY, MSCDEX, and, of course, SLOWDOWN). There are also times when, for various reasons, you may want to (or need to) "Disable" a particular TSR. You may either need to Disable it temporarily (and will later want to, or need to, "Enable" it again), or you may want to Disable it permanently (and would prefer to "Uninstall" it from memory completely). Unfortunately, many TSR's don't have "Enable" or "Disable" Options, and many also do not have "Uninstall" Options. Even if they do have an "Uninstall" Option, though, it is still possible that they cannot be Uninstalled from memory. It is usually not possible to Uninstall a particular TSR unless it was the last TSR installed into memory (or at least very close to the last). You must usually Uninstall TSR's in the reverse order they were installed (sometimes called FILO -- First In, Last Out). For example, let's say you have 6 different TSR's in memory, all doing different things. You need to "Disable" TSR #4, but it doesn't have a "Disable" Option. It does have an "Uninstall" Option, but it can't be Uninstalled because TSR's 5 & 6 are "in the way". In order to Uninstall TSR #4, you must first Uninstall TSR #6 (if you can), then Uninstall TSR #5 (if you can), then Uninstall TSR #4 (we're assuming here that you can), then re-install TSR #5 (if you can), then re-install TSR #6 (if you can). Or, you can edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, REMark out the line that installs TSR #4, reboot the computer, do the thing you need to do without TSR #4, then edit AUTOEXEC.BAT again, un-REMark back in the line that installs TSR #4, and reboot again. Talk about a PAIN!! SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 38 of 44 Many years ago, IBM came up with a Protocol that solves this problem (and it is the only Protocol I've ever seen that even attempts to solve this problem). IBM calls it the "Interrupt Sharing Protocol". It is a Protocol that allows any TSR to remove itself from memory at any time, no matter how many programs were installed after it was. I think it is a very good idea. Unfortunately, in order for it to work properly, all programs should use it (not just some programs, and not just TSR's). For some reason, IBM didn't promote the Protocol very much, so not very many programmers even know about it, and, as a result, very few programs use it. I consider myself fairly savvy about DOS (I have been writing TSR's for nearly a decade), and I first read about this Protocol only a few months ago. The way "normal" (non-Protocol-using) programs work, you can't "see past" the last program installed into memory to be able to modify or remove any previously-installed programs. This Protocol allows you to "see through" the later programs to find the early programs, so that they can be modified or removed. If the TSR you're trying to Uninstall uses the Protocol, and all of the programs installed AFTER the one you're trying to Uninstall also use the Protocol, you can Uninstall the TSR with no problem. It doesn't matter if the TSR's installed BEFORE it use the Protocol or not, all that matters is the programs installed AFTER it. There is one drawback to the Interrupt Sharing Protocol, however. When you Uninstall a particular TSR (if it is not the last program in memory), it will leave a "hole" in your memory (where the TSR used to be). If you later decide to re-install the same TSR, it is VERY unlikely that it will get installed into the same "hole" it was in before. In fact, it is VERY unlikely that you will be able to use that memory hole again for any program -- it will probably be lost (wasted) until you reboot the computer again. If there is even a remote chance that you will want to use the TSR again (before you reboot the computer), you should simply Disable the TSR instead of Uninstalling it from memory completely. Not all TSR's have Disable/Enable Options, but any TSR sophisticated enough to use the Interrupt Sharing Protocol probably does. If the Protocol is used properly, it allows much greater flexibility in when and where and how you use TSR's. If not used properly, however, it can actually end up being less efficient than if you just use TSR's that don't implement the Protocol (at least in terms of memory use). Again, if there is even a remote chance that you will want to use the TSR again, you should not Uninstall it -- you should simply Disable it. Only if you are certain that you will not need the TSR again (at least until you reboot the computer) should you attempt to Uninstall it. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 39 of 44 SLOWDOWN is the first program of mine to implement the Protocol (SLOWDOWN just happened to be the program I was working on when I discovered the Protocol). I will be updating all of my other programs to include the Protocol in the future, however. If you want more information about the Protocol, go to my Home Page: I have information there that will allow you to download the Protocol details. You can also look at the source code for SLOWDOWN, which is available from my Home Page. It contains a working implementation of the Protocol, as well as some other stuff you might be interested in. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 40 of 44 A WORD FROM THE SPONSOR ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ SLOWDOWN is a free program. If you like it and use it, do something nice for someone else in return. I will accept niceties to myself in the form of $, but that is not why I wrote SLOWDOWN. I wrote it because I still have and use several programs that don't work correctly on my new, fast computer. I still haven't yet found a "slowdown" program that both does exactly what I want it to do and is free. You can freely copy and distribute SLOWDOWN.COM, as long as it is distributed along with this SLOWDOWN.DOC, and neither file has been modified in any way. You cannot charge anyone in any way for SLOWDOWN, except to recover your actual costs for disks and shipping (you cannot charge for "handling"). You do need my permission to distribute SLOWDOWN as a "companion" to some other program. You can also freely download the source code for SLOWDOWN if you want. It is available from my Home Page: I don't include the source code with the program because I want to keep the size of the download as small as possible, and because I know most people don't care about the source code anyway. My Home Page contains the source code for some of my other programs as well (see "OTHER PROGRAMS BY BRET JOHNSON" below, page 42. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 41 of 44 OTHER PROGRAMS BY BRET JOHNSON ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ If you like SLOWDOWN, I have written some other programs you may find useful. CLOCK Shows a clock on your screen all the time. Also has two alarms that beep at you when it's time for an appointment. JOYKEYS Lets you use your joystick with ANY program. MOUSKEYS Lets you use your mouse with ANY program. PRTSCR Sends all of your PrintScreens to a file instead of a printer. A good way to transfer data between two programs, even if they won't normally "talk" to each other. PRTSCRFF Modifies your PrintScreen so that each new PrintScreen gets put on a new sheet of paper (especially useful if you have a Laser printer). SCANCODE Type keystrokes automatically in the middle of other programs. Helpful in getting past the "starting screens" of most programs, or to create macros. Can also be used to remap the keyboard. SDWRGMPD DOS driver for a Microsoft SideWinder Digital GamePad. SERIAL Shows the status of your serial (COM) ports on screen. Shows the bit rate, parity, status of the leads (DTR, DSR, etc.). An excellent way to troubleshoot modem problems. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 42 of 44 WARRANTY ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ There is no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, supplied with SLOWDOWN. As with any software, especially TSR's, it may or may not work with other software that you may have. I have done my best to make sure SLOWDOWN won't screw anything up, but, again, there is no guarantee. If you find any "bugs" in this program, or see something that you wish were different, please let me know. I can only improve SLOWDOWN if I know what you think needs to improve. HAVE FUN! Bret Johnson 6775 South Logan Street Littleton, CO 80122-1249 (303) 795-5084 or I intend to always keep the latest versions of all of my programs on my own Internet Home Page. The URL is: This will be the first place to find updates to my programs. It will be the only place I put beta versions of new releases. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 43 of 44 REVISION HISTORY ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1994/10/20 v1.00 1994/12/21 v1.01 * Changed a small part of the do-nothing loop that would sometimes lock up a computer when a serial port was accessed (such as when a mouse was moved). 2000/05/30 v2.00 * Converted from a "simulated TSR" using COMMAND.COM to a true TSR. * Added Hot-Keys to change Speeds "on-the-fly". * Changed the verbiage "Speed" to "Slowdown-Factor". The old meaning of "Speed" was backwards from what people normally think, and very often confused them. * Added the MHZ, PERCENT, SPEED, REMEMBER-Speed, and TABLE Options. * Added longhand forms for Options. * Added Windows multi-tasking awareness, and removed the ability to Slow Down Windows. * Allowed SLOWDOWN to be used on any computer, including XT's (previous versions considered an XT already "too slow"). * Started using the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol, which sometimes allows SLOWDOWN to be removed from memory even if other programs were installed after it. * SLOWDOWN should be less "jerky" now when trying to make a really fast computer run really slow. * Lots and lots of small changes. SLOWDOWN 2.00 Page 44 of 44