Prof. Ing. Jiri Tolar, DrSc.

Born:         March 25, 1939 in Zlin, Czechoslovakia
Citizenship:  Czech Republic
Foreign languages:
              English, German, Russian, partially French, Italian
Employed:     Czech Technical University, Prague
              Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
Position:     Head, Department of Physics

Career:       at Czech Technical University
              1961 assistant
              1966 assistant professor
              1969 CSc. (PhD) Thesis at Charles University
              1977 associate professor
              1988 DrSc. Dissertation
              1990 full professor of physics
              1991 head, Department of Physics
              1993 director, Doppler Institute
Career-Related Activities:
              1963-66 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna
              1969-70 University of Marburg (Humboldt-Fellow)
              1977-78 Technical University Clausthal (Humboldt-Fellow)
              1978,88 University of Leipzig (lecturer, 2 x 1 month)
              1986 visit of 5 U.S. universities (1 month)
              1989-91 guest professor at TU Clausthal (18 months)
              1992-   University of Montreal (research collaboration)
              1993-   University of Bern (research collaboration)

              Contributed ca 80 articles to scientific journals
              and scientific conference proceedings.
              They are related to the following research areas of
              mathematical quantum physics:
                   dynamical groups in strong coupling theory
                   quantum mechanics on homogeneous spaces
                   quantization via deformation
                   quantum kinematics on configuration manifolds
                   quantum structures in the Hilbert spaces of
                   finite dimension
                   graded contractions of Lie algebras of physical
              ca 10 review articles
              coauthor of 2 scripts (CTU Prague)
              coauthor of 1 college textbook
              coauthor of 1 university textbook (Theoretical physics)

Membership:   FVS JCMF Czech Physical Society (since 1970) 
              EPS European Physical Society (individual member 1979-2003)
              IAMP International Association of Mathematical Physics
              APS American Physical Society (since 1990)
              Editorial board of Acta Polytechnica (since 1970)
              Editorial board of Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 
              Scientific council of FNSPE CTU (since 1991)
              Scientific council of Mathematical Institute, Silesian
              University, Opava (since 2002)
              Czecho-Slovak commission for the defenses of dissertations for 
              the DrSc. degree in "General physics and mathematical physics"
              (1986-91, chairman 1991-2001)