Aurél Gábris

Aurél Gábris


Building Břehová, Room 509
+420 771 276631
+420 728 950043
+36 (20) 9696838
Deputy Head, Department of Physics

About me

I am currently serving as Deputy Head of the Department of Physics, and a member of the Quantum dynamics, optics and information group at Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. I am also a part-time researcher at the Department of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the Wigner Research Center for Physics, a former unit of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

My research interests are

  • Applications of quantum simulations and quantum algorithms
  • Quantum walks: theoretical and experimental applications
  • Measurement induced nonlinear quantum dynamics
  • Linear and non-linear quantum optics
  • Cavity quantum electrodynamics

Current projects

European Photonic Quantum Computer (EPIQUE)

I am researching non-classicality and benchmarking schemes of the experimental devices, within the EPIQUE project. The projects final ambitious goal is to build a European quantum computer based on scalable photonic technology that will be made available to the European industry and academia to tap into the potential markets and applications of quantum computing. The project is funded with €10,340,000 by the European Commission under the call HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-CNECT within the European Quantum Flagship initiative. It is carried out by 18 partners from 12 countries.


I am leading the work package focused on use-case & testing within the CZ.QCI project which is aimed at deploying quantum communication infrastructure (QCI) in the Czech Republic. The infrastructure composed of advanced experimental European QKD devices will comprise: (a) backbone connecting the cities of Prague, Brno, and Ostrava, serving as a first long distance quantum communication network; (b) metropolitan side branches connecting public authorities and testing advanced use cases and scenarios; (c) advanced testing and training infrastructure concentrated in a single laboratory providing a representative sample of diverse QKD technologies. CZ.QCI will design and perform training programme to prepare users and experts from all sectors for exploitation of future quantum communication infrastructures.


I am member of the executive committee and work package leader in DigiQ project aiming at transforming the landscape of quantum technology education across Europe. Students from FNSPE interested in DigiQ should contact me directly, while students from FIT should contact Ivo Petr at the Department of Applied Mathematics.

QWorld and QCzech

I am fascinated by quantum sciences and how it is developing into a technology that is going to revolutionarize our lives. Besides actively contributing to its scientific development, I have recently realized the importance of sharing and explaining the expected benefits and possible uses of this technology for everyone. This motivated me to join the QWorld network and to found its local group in Czech Republic, the QCzech community.

The of QWorld Association, which I am currently the chair of, develops and provides free on-line training workshops to allow interested people to learn more about quantum technologies, and to promote quantum solutions.

Previous significant projects


I have coordinated QTEdu Open Master Programme which is has been a pilot project of the Quantum Flagship aiming at fostering masters level education in quantum technologies in Europe. I have also been its local representative at the CTU responsible for student communications.


I have lead a project, part of OpenQKD, aimed at testing the operation and the deployment challenges of quantum key distribution (QKD) within in the fibre network of Správa Želecnic, the state-owned enterprise responsible for the management, maintenance and development of the railway infrastructure in the Czech Republic. We have implemented quantum key distribution using QKD devices from IdQuantique and Toshiba to study the effect of vibrations caused by railway rolling stock. Testbed locations involved Prague-Smíchov and Beroun stations and Prague-Vršovice, totalling 46 kms.

Brief CV



Personal stuff