- P. V. Pyshkin, E. Sherman, A. Gabris and Lian-ao Wu, Mimicking states with limited resources: passing quantum quiz via global control. Physica Scripta (accepted 2023)
- P.V. Pyshkin, A. Gábris, Da-Wei Luo, J.Q. You, and Lian-Ao Wu, Tunable Tradeoff between Quantum and Classical Computation via Nonunitary Zeno-like Dynamics. Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 044060 (2022)
- Th. Nitsche, Syamsundar De, S. Barkhofen, E. Meyer-Scott, J. Tiedau, J. Sperling, A. Gábris, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn: Local Versus Global Two-Photon Interference in Quantum Networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 213604 (2020)
- L. Lorz, E. Meyer-Scott, T. Nitsche, V. Potoček, A. Gábris, S. Barkhofen, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn: Photonic quantum walks with four-dimensional coins. Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033036 (2019)
- Th. Nitsche, S. Barkhofen, R. Kruse, L. Sansoni, M. Štefaňák, A. Gábris, V. Potoček, T. Kiss, I. Jex, Ch. Silberhorn: Probing measurement induced effects in quantum walks via recurrence. Science Advances 4, eaar6444 (2018)
- P. V. Pyshkin, A. Gábris, O. Kálmán, I. Jex and T. Kiss: Quantum State Identification of Qutrits via a Nonlinear Protocol. J. Russ. Laser. Res. 39, 456 (2018) [special issue in memoriam József Janszky and Stig Stenholm]
- S. Barkhofen, Th. Nitsche, F. Elster, L. Lorz, A. Gábris, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn: Measuring topological invariants in disordered discrete-time quantum walks. Phys. Rev. A 96, 033846 (2017)
- Th. Nitsche, F. Elster, J. Novotný, A. Gábris, I. Jex, S. Barkhofen and Ch. Silberhorn: Quantum walks with dynamical control: graph engineering, initial state preparation and state transfer. New J. Phys. 18, 063017 (2016)
- F. Elster, S. Barkhofen, T. Nitsche, J. Novotný, A. Gábris, I. Jex and Ch. Silberhorn: Quantum walk coherences on a dynamical percolation graph. Scientific Reports 5, 13495 (2015)
- S. Barkhofen, F. Elster, T. Nitsche, J. Novotný, A. Gábris, I. Jex, and C. Silberhorn: Photonic Quantum Walks on Finite Graphs and with Non-Localised Initial States. CLEO: Applications and Technology JW2A.9 (2015) [conference proceedings]
- A. Schreiber, A. Gábris and P. P. Rohde, K. Laiho, M. Štefaňak, and V. Potoček, C. Hamilton, I. Jex, and C. Silberhorn: Simulations of two-particle interactions with 2D quantum walks in time. AIP Conf. Proc. 1633, 204-209 (2014) [conference proceedings]
- R Kruse, F Katzschmann, A Christ, A Schreiber, S Wilhelm, K Laiho, A Gábris, C S Hamilton, I Jex and C Silberhorn: Spatio-spectral characteristics of parametric down-conversion in waveguide arrays. New J. Phys. 15, 083046 (2013)
- A. Schreiber, A. Gábris, P. P. Rohde, K. Laiho, M. Štefaňák, V. Potoček, C. Hamilton, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn: A 2D Quantum Walk Simulation of Two-Particle Dynamics. Science 336, 55 (2012)
- A. Schreiber, A. Gábris, P.P. Rohde, K. Laiho, M. Stefanak, V. Potoček, C. Hamilton, I. Jex, and C. Silberhorn: Quantum simulations with a two-dimensional Quantum Walk. CLEO Applications and Technology JW3I.3 (2012) [conference proceedings]
- T. Kiss, S. Vymětal, L. D. Tóth, A. Gábris, I. Jex and G. Alber: Measurement induced chaos with entangled states. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 100501 (2011)
- A. Schreiber, K. N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček, A. Gábris, I. Jex and Ch. Silberhorn: Decoherence and disorder in quantum walks: From ballistic spread to localization. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 180403 (2011)
- A. Schreiber, K. N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček, A. Gábris, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn: Photonic quantum walks in a fiber based recursion loop. AIP Conf. Proc. 1363, 155-158 (2011) [conference proceedings]
- Craig S. Hamilton, Aurél Gábris, Igor Jex, and Stephen M. Barnett: Quantum walk with a four-dimensional coin. New J. Phys. 13, 013015 (2011)
- A. Schreiber, K. N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček, A. Gábris, P. J. Mosley, E. Andersson, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn: Photons Walking the Line: A Quantum Walk with Adjustable Coin Operations. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 050502 (2010)
- V. Potoček, A. Gábris, T. Kiss, I. Jex: Optimized quantum random-walk search algorithms on the hypercube. Phys. Rev. A 79, 012325 (2009)
- S. Vymětal, T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, A. Gábris, and T. Langrová: Chaos in the conditional dynamics of two qubits purification protocol. AIP Conf. Proc. 1076 255-261 (2008) [conference proceedings]
- A. Gábris, T. Kiss, I. Jex: Scattering quantum random-walk search with errors. Phys. Rev. A 76 062315 (2007)
- A. Gábris, G. S. Agarwal: Quantum teleportation with pair-coherent states. Int. Journal of Quant. Inf. 5, 17-22 (2007)
- A. Gábris, G. S. Agarwal: Controlled-NOT gates for four-level atoms in a bimodal cavity. Acta Physica Hungarica B: Quantum Electronics 23, 19-24 (2005)
- A. Gábris, G. S. Agarwal: Vacuum induced Stark shifts for quantum logic using a collective system in a high quality dispersive cavity. Phys. Rev. A 71, 052316 (2005)
- A. Gábris, P. Adam, M. Koniorczyk and J. Janszky: Distinguishing Schrödinger cats in a lossy environment. J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6 S84-S89 (2004)
- J. Janszky, J. Asbóth, A. Gábris, A. Vukics, M. Koniorczyk, and T. Kobayashi: Two-mode Schrödinger cats, entanglement and teleportation. Fortschr. Phys. 51 157 (2003)
- J. Janszky, A. Gábris, M. Koniorczyk, A. Vukics and J. Asboth One-complex-plane representation: a coherent-state description of entanglement and teleportation. J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4 S213 (2002)
- J. Janszky, A. Gábris, M. Koniorczyk, A. Vukics, P. Adam Coherent-state Approach to Entanglement and Teleportation. Fortschr. Phys. 49, 993 (2001)
- Á. Cziráki, I. Gerőcs, M. Köteles, A. Gábris, L. Pogány, I. Bakonyi, Z. Klencsár, A. Vértes, S. K. De, A. Barman, M. Ghosh, S. Biswas, S. Chatterjee, B. Arnold, H. D. Bauer, K. Wetzig, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, V. Pierron-Bohnes: Structural features of the La-Sr-Fe-Co-O system. European Physical Journal B, 21, 521-526 (2001)
- J. Janszky, M. Koniorczyk and A. Gábris: One-complex-plane representation approach to continuous variable quantum teleportation. Phys. Rev. A 64, 034302 (2001)
- M. Koniorczyk, Z. Kurucz, A. Gábris and J. Janszky: General optical state truncation and its teleportation. Phys. Rev. A 62, 013802 (2000)
- Master thesis: EPR pairs in coherent state basis (in Hungarian) (Eötvös University of Budapest, 2001)
- PhD dissertation: Multipartite quantum optical systems for quantum information processing (University of Szeged, 2007), Extract: [hu], [en]