Brief CV
- Name: Aurél Gábris
- Born: Budapest, Hungary, 1977
- Nationality: Hungarian (EU)
- Education:
- MSc., Physics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest 2001
- PhD., University of Szeged, Hungary, 2008
- Research interests: quantum walks, chaos in quantum mechanics, quantum optics, cavity QED quantum computation, entangled coherent states, quantum teleportation
- Professional positions:
- 2008– Post doctoral researcher at the Department of Physics in Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.
- 2008– Post doctoral researcher at the Department of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Wigner Research Centre for Physics Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (external member)
- 2001–2007 Junior researcher at the Department of Non-linear and Quantum Optics, Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2003/2004 Visiting research scholar, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India
- 2001–2004 PhD. student at the University of Szeged
- Research projects:
- 2017–2020 Photonic quantum networks. Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), Contract No. 17-00844S (participant)
- 2017–2021 Dynamics and measurement in coherent and open quantum information networks. National Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA), Contract No. K 124351. (participant)
- 2014–2015 Quantum walks and quantum information applications using non-linear photonic structures. National Excellence Program of Hungary, Contract No. NKPR-2013-19414 (principal investigator)
- 2013–2016 Harnessing the Power of Quantum Walks. Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), Contract No. 13-339065 (participant)
- 2011–2015 Quantum optical and quantum information processing networks and their nonclassical properties. National Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA), Contract No. T83858. (participant)
- 2007–2009 Cavity quantum electrodynamics: from atoms to many-body systems. National Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA), Contract No. T 068736. (participant)
- 2004–2009 Czech-Hungarian SaT (Sciece and Technology) cooperation (CZ-5/3 and CZ-10/2007): "Representation and processing of quantum information in quantum optical systems" (participant)
- 2005–2008 Quantum optical systems and their applications to quantuminformation. National Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA), Contract No. T 049234. (participant)
- 2003–2007 Moving atoms and molecules in strongly coupled radiation fields. National Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA), Contract No. T 043079. (participant)
- 2001–2004 Utilization of non-classical light in fundamental physical problems and in optical measurement technology, National Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA), Contract No. T 034484. (participant)
- Research visits:
- 2006-2007, total of 4-5 weeks at Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic. Studied effects of noise on quantum random walks in a collaboration with Prof. Igor Jex.
- 2003-2004, six months at Physical Research Laboratory, India. Collaboration with Prof. Girish S. Agarwal on the study of cavity QED quantum computation.
- 2000, 2001 and 2002, total of three months at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Studied four-wave mixing spectra of Rubidium atoms in a magneto-optical trap, in cooperation with Prof. Wojciech Gawlik.
- 1997, two months at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, California, USA. Contributed to the group of Prof. M. L. Perl.