Libor Šnobl's page
My current position:
Associate professor at the
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague
Area of research: integrable and superintegrable systems, symmetries, Lie algebras, differential geometry
My e-mail: Libor "dot" Snobl "at" fjfi "dot" cvut "dot" cz (please, replace "..." by proper characters)
My curriculum vitae
List of my publications and conferences attended
Libor Snobl and Pavel Winternitz: Classification and Identification of Lie Algebras, CRM Monograph Series, Volume: 33,
American Mathematical Society together with Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4355-0
Its reviews:
Mathematical reviews (MathSciNet)
Zentralblatt MATH
CMS Notes
Superintegrability, Exact-Solvability and Representation Theory, Prague, November 22-24, 2024
For students
Mathematical Physics Students' webpage
Proposed topics of students' theses
Various lecture notes
Exercises in Quantum Mechanics and Geometric Methods in Physics - Maple worksheets
Photos of nortwestern and central Bohemia from above NEW
Photos of southeastern Bohemia from above
Photos of central and northern Bohemia from above
Aerobatics in Zlin Z-142 (zipfile with mp4 file)
Photos from Quebec
Photos of Quebec from above
Photos from Canada (other provinces)
Photos from Japan
Photos from winter/summer schools, conferences etc.
Useful links