End of on-line registration.
The definite schedule is posted at Timetable.
A tentative schedule - in fact, definite up to a finite polishing - is posted at Timetable.
According to the Czech Ministry of Health the country is well prepared to face the swine flu. The stack of antivirotic medicaments is sufficient and screenings are organized at exposed places. People are advised just to observe elementary hygienic precautions and to see a doctor if they suspect an infection.
The session organizers made their choice of contributed talks from the proposals submitted by the participants.
Fellowship applications have been evaluated and the support, ranging from free accommodation to almost full coverage, was offered to chosen applicants.
New important dates:
May 31 - final deadline for submission of abstracts (posters)
July 26 - on-line registration closes on the congress web page
from July 30 - on-site registration is available during the registration hours at the congress venue
Special offer - valid till may 31, 2009
The congress organizers together with the management of Clarion Congress Hotel have the pleasure to offer discounted prices for the period of the ICMP Congress:
To avoid making important changes on All Fools Day, the regular registration fees apply from April 2 on.
Another serious information: the contributed talk proposals are closed: you can still offer a poster or an YRS seminar.
End of early registration and deadline for contributed talk proposals. Posters and YRS seminars are accepted after this date.
National Science Foundation awarded a block grant to support U.S. based participants of the congress. For details click here
The early registration deadline was extended to March 31.
David Kosower replaced Lance Dixon as a plenary speaker.
Steven Weinberg will present a plenary lecture on Wednesday August 5.
A round table "Mathematical physics: future challenges" will take place on Tuesday August 4 being moderated by Joel Lebowitz. The speakers are Michael Berry, Stanislas Leibler and Leonard Susskind.
Samson Shatashvili replaced Nikita Nekrasov as a plenary speaker.
The online registration opened