Beatriz Vadillo Gonzalo (13)

FJFI - Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská

Español SMP1

Pokročilí | Zimní semestr El zápočet se basa en los contenidos aprendidos durante el semestre. El tipo de ejercicios es muy similar a los que se hacen en clase (actividades de compresión oral y escrita, vocabulario, gramática y práctica de escritura breve.) Para aprobar este examen…

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Enlaces y descargas

A cultural approach to the Spanish language How our culture defines the way we communicate. In this document you will find examples of the language used in formal and informal situations. You might find similarities and differences between this culture and yours with the purpose…

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API - Prezentace a interpretace textu

APIN - III. Ročník | Zimní semestr In order to pass this course, you must attend every lesson. If you are absent for more than three lessons and these absences are not explained by a doctor’s note or other official documents, you will automatically fail.

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