Enlaces y descargas

A cultural approach to the Spanish language

How our culture defines the way we communicate. In this document you will find examples of the language used in formal and informal situations. You might find similarities and differences between this culture and yours with the purpose of understanding why we do and say certain things the way we do.

Příprava a prezentace odborného textu ve Španělštině

How to prepare and present professional texts in Spanish. In this document you will find all the instructions to prepare a presentation: how to analyse a professional text while reading it; how to organise, write and revise your own; how to prepare an oral presentation; useful expressions and words to use in both your writing and oral speech; and the evaluation criteria.

Průvodce studiem učebnicí Aula Internacional 1 - Nueva edición

Glossaries and grammar explanations in Czech for all the content covered in the textbook.

Průvodce studiem učebnicí Aula Internacional 2 - Nueva edición (Část 1)

Glossaries and grammar explanations in Czech for all the content covered in units 1-5 of the textbook.

Průvodce studiem učebnicí Aula Internacional 2 - Nueva edición (Část 2)

Glossaries and grammar explanations in Czech for all the content covered in units 6-10 of the textbook.