Bilbao, España

Začátečníci | Letní semestr

The zápočet will be based on the contents covered during the semester. The kind of exercises will be very similar to those practised during the lessons (listening, reading, vocabulary, grammar and short pieces of writing.)
The pass mark is 60% and there is a second chance to retake it with a 70% pass mark. You will have to retake the course from the beginning if you fail the second time.
If you are absent for more than six lessons and these absences are not explained by a doctor’s note or other official documents, you will automatically fail.

Schedule: Monday 08:00 - 09:40 / T101 | Thursday 08:00 - 09:40 / T301

1Aula Internacional - Unidad 0 + 1
Presentaciones, saludos y despedidas
Presentaciones, saludos y despedidas:
Page 12/1-5
(Write the personal pronouns, complete with the right form of the verb, and usage of tú - informal vs. usted - formal)
Unidad 0 + 1 - Continuación
Estudios y profesiones
Unidad 0 + 1:
120/1-3, 121/5
2Unidad 0 + 1 - Continuación122/8 y 10, 123/11-12
Unidad 2 | Actividades video126/3, 127/4-5
3Unidad 2 - Continuación126/1, 127/6-7, 128/11
Unidad 2 - Continuación
Actividades video
128/9-10, 129/13-14
4Unidad 3133/5, 134/7, 136/18
Unidad 3 - Continuación
Vocabulario: Lugares | Países
Test for ungraded assessment